Finally, we are in the home stretch. I have the kids enrolled in their 'home' schools, I am loving my job at the hospital and in less than 3 weeks we will be H.O.M.E. I can not wait.
On a recent visit to the home, we walked up to the front door and found this dead on the porch. I can't even touch it. It was seriously HUGE. over 4 inches long!!! (for those of you that can not see the pic on the side it is a praying mantis)
We showed our neighbor and he said "Oh, I had one of those on my tree here a few weeks ago." Oh. So they grow 'em big around here. Nice. I personally can not touch it.
The kids are loving the pool here at the apartment complex. Zeb has learned how to swim and loves to yell "CANNONBALL' and jump in. Lol. It cracks me up. He also has been taking Tae Kwon Do on Tuesday and Friday nights. It also cracks me up to watch that. Poor kid had two teeth pulled this week. We finally got the abscessed tooth pulled only to find out he had another abscess starting on the opposite side of his mouth, so they pulled that one too. Hopefully that motivates him to do a better job of oral care. He is almost 8, I think he should be able to do it on his own by now.
Reece is an amazing cleaner. He loves to make his bed everyday. I know, don't hate me. I wish I knew how that happened or if it could rub off on the other kids. Hmmm. I can't wait til they each have their own rooms (and we can furnish them from Ikea!) We went to our doctor here for the first visit and found out all of the kids are squared. The are all in the 90% -100% for height and weight. Which was great. We also toured Reece's school. It is all on one floor with carpeted hallways. We met his science teacher and she shook his hand and didn't like how he did it so she made him do it over... lol.. I like her. Also I think he will like the Art teacher. She was joking around with Reece about how she throws crayons at her kids but saves the pencils for the kids she really likes. he. he. (MOM, SHE WAS ONLY KIDDING) It is perfect for him. He pays more attention to funny teachers and really enjoys school more.
Brock has found his joy. When my sister came to visit, her and J told Brock about Dungeons and Dragons. He loves it. Not only that he has found a 'group of geeks' that meet every Friday to play D&D. It was funny to see how many 'grown ups' really get into it. There is also a girl, about 12 that LOVES to look at Brock. lol. Brock could care less about her though. I am just glad he has found some people to interact with, with out using ELECTRICITY! yay!!
Duner is liking his job, and really likes seeing all the deer so close. He was drooling over a huge '18 inch spead' at least buck that he hopes will head over to our home. He is running over 4 miles now. We were trying to go for 5 today but the weather got the best of us. We have had a heat advisory everyday this week. Next week is supposed to be better which is good, since we have a 4,5, and 6 mile planned for our half marathon training. Duner made the mistake of telling the boys about a guy at work that has some abandoned kittens at his place and they are looking for a home.
Don't get me started.
Have a great few weeks everyone! Hopefully the next time I write I will be HOME!
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