Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's Begining...

So I am at work today and I get a phone call from Brock. Exactly 4:22pm. (The time he gets off the bus) I was very busy so I had to call him back.

I get a minute and call him.

He answers the phone "MOM" (obviously he saw the Caller ID)
"The weirdest, most strangest thing happened to me today. You'll never guess." as he continued...
"At lunch a girl asked me out, but my friends and I ran away from her. Later, as I was getting on the bus I told her I don't want to go out with her and I don't like her."


So, I told him that he will need to be more considerate when declining a date. You never know when she will get a really cute friend that you will need help with.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I agree. It took a lot of courage to ask for that from Brock, and he should be extra nice just so she doesn't feel bad. It doesn't matter how he feels about her. She's a human being, and deserves it.