But today was a extra special.
What people don't seem to realize, yes, they only see the Doctor for X # of minutes, but they don't realize the work on the back end. Lab testing, possible x-ray testing, calling in med's, and the dictation the Doctor will do on you that with recap the ENTIRE visit. Not to mention the phone calls, and faxes from pharmacies, nursing homes and hospitals. *that do usually need to be signed or replied to in some way.*
Then add in the time spent making specialist appointments or testing that will need to be done.
Not to mention any prior auths for the meds that were called in!! (Gotta LOVE medicaid)
A 'Prior Auth' is when your insurance says 'Uh huh! We like this med, use it first." or 'Patient had to have tried and FAILED on X, Y AND Z before we will CONSIDER your request'. Even with that some STILL get denied.
Doctors do make a LOT of money. I agree. But on days like today. NO Thank you!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot the perks like going to go deliver a baby after the office closes or having to spend the night in the hospital just in case the woman delivers since your home is 30 minutes from the hospital.
We saw over 30 people. Between 8am to noon and 1pm to 5pm.
Basically 15 in the am and another 15 in the pm. That is 4 people per hour on the average. Not bad. BUT WHEN YOU ADD PEOPLE IN THE ALREADY OVER BOOKED SCHEDULE TO HELP THEM OUT....
DO NOT COME TO THE OFFICE EXPECTING TO BE SEEN WITHIN AN HOUR!!!! You are the exception. We are STUFFED! We tell you that when you call. We are WORKING YOU IN!!! No whining allowed!
My personal fave is the patient that asks to speak to the Dr because 'US STAFF' are useless, or the person that calls the Dr a 'Quack' because he won't prescribe pain medication. How old are we? 5 or 8?
I like to go to work to not have to listen to the whining!!!
ah, hm...
Thank you for listening to my small tirade. Carry on...
That's why it called work.
Grandma Z
People who are sick think that they have something horrible, something contagious, something that the doctor will look at, recoil in horror and immediately start to record for posterity.
To believe that they aren't the only person in the world that's every had a sniffly nose, or a rash, or a sore throat, or a weird looking lump makes them feel unspecial. When they feel just like everyone else, they feel the need to make themselves feel noticed.
Usually by screaming REALLY LOUDLY and being extra annoying. I've worked those jobs; and to some extent I still do.
That sucks. Sorry you had a bad day.
Gee, Mom thanks.
Ya wonder why we don't talk to you more often?
I knew I could count on you Sara, Thanks!
Sorry I forgot that I am a parent. An Old one at that.That is the old English in me. We lay it on the line. Please forgive me. Still Love You. Gramdma ZP. S. Are you going to the kid's program at Church tonite?
6 p m.
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