Monday, June 22, 2009

High Cliff Race Report 2009

The first REALLY FUN part of the summer has officially happened. High Cliff Triathlon was this weekend. I knew at least 3 Brand New Triathletes taking part in this years festivities and I was so happy to be able to have cheered them and the 'veteran' athletes on.

Friday night we had a pre-race pow wow at my house. Dez (aka- my partner in crime with all things triathlon/marathon related) showed up from Waupaca and my friend Angie with the 'newbie-no-more' Jesse... her husband (and kids). We partook in the pre race 'carbo loading' with pasta salads and pizza.

I was thinking of having a kids tri, but we had so much fun just talking that it never came about... but we did watch the Fox Tri Club video with Mr. Peter Victor himself playing the 'Super Athlete'. Good Stuff. We laughed our butts off!!
That video is from 2 years ago and I did not realize how much I have changed since then. WOW!
I would love to do that every year!

Saturday Morning I got to High Cliff just after 6am and felt so rushed, we met Ang and she told us that Jesse already had TWO flat tires! He was panicking a bit running around looking for a new tube! Luckily he found Mark (aka: King of Tuesday night rides) who gave Jesse a new tube for his bike.
While Dez set up in transition, I talked to Jesse, and found out he had ALSO lost a pedal, but that was found by someone and he was able to get it back on. That was MORE THAN ENOUGH drama for the day and he didn't even get wet yet!

I sported my Firecracker T-shirt from last year and flip flops as I ran around with camera in hand trying to get all the pic's for everyone. That was tiring but SO FUN!

I didn't know until later that night but someone I went to school with did the half IRONMAN for his first ever race!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT! He not only finished he did amazing!!!

Oh yeah, and by the way...
Jesse ROCKED High Cliff... finishing in under 2 hrs.
Dez shot right thru.... finishing in just over 2 hrs.
Dr Al, did great (of Course) ... finishing just behind Jesse.
Tammy (Dr Al's nurse) was hoping for an under 3 hr finish and SHE DID BETTER THAN THAT!


I am sorry if this is a duplicate, but if you have not seen the pictures from the High Cliff Tri, I highly recommend it. (Turn up your volume!) Great pics!

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