I feel like a broken record, but I can not get over how great the weather is down here. It may be only 10 to 20 degrees warmer than Wisconsin, but it really makes the difference.
We have started to walk 3 miles every Monday, Wednesday and Friday's. It has been great. If I am not wanting to walk Duner talks me into it, we try to get the kids to join us, sometimes they walk, but sometimes they bike. Due to the hills Zeb complains easily the most. His little legs just can't do those hills. Even with the bike. We have a special route that we do each time.
Now, we live almost directly behind the Florence Mall. Sort of, like Fox River Mall. Just more hills and woods in the area. In fact, we commonly see deer behind Old Navy. It is very common to see opossum's, turtle's, racoon's, geese (they love the parking lot at the mall), bunnies , and deer. All in our 3 mile loop around our apartment. In fact, we came upon some baby bunnies that we were keeping tabs on until Friday. We could no longer find them. They had a run in with a lawn mower and one was killed, but the rest moved to a culvert and hid, some time, last week.
We have enjoyed so much more time as a family, without any electronics (!) here. I love our walks. I am secretly trying to get some runners in my family. I love to run up the hills and then walk down. (We'll see how long I can keep this up before they catch on, ha. ha.)
We also recently watched some great movies that have opened our eyes on some things that we eat without thinking, that REALLY are not good for us at all. Food Inc. was one and Super Size Me was the other one. We decided to check out our local farmer's market's and watch where we grab our fast food from.
Since we sold our microwave in our last home and don't have a built in here in our apartment, we only have a stove that has 3 burners that work decent and a fridge that can not keep keep celery fresh more than 3 days... we might as well just leave it on the counter top. But I have started to go to the grocery store daily to buy fresh veggies and ingredients that we will use for lunch or supper. I love it. It helps that we live so close to a grocery store so I do not go out of my way. Plus, I don't stock up on 'snacks'. Not sure why, but when I go to the store daily it is easier for me to stay away from the chips.
What ever it is, I hope it continues...
On another note.... we have a foundation now for our home! They poured the cement foundation on Friday, they will pour the basement and soon we should have walls!! Yee Haw! I tried to talk the family into walking from our NEW homesite to Dairy Queen for a treat (2.3 miles one way) but I failed. That will change by the time we move in!! Heck, I'll have them running for it! lol. Have a great week!
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