This week has been a whirl wind of activity! I got my teeth cleaned on Monday and the hygenist told me about a local family getting an Extreme Home Makeover. How exciting and so close!! Only an hour away! It has been fun reading about it and watching news stories on TV about it.
I took the week off so my mom could have some rest while she recovers from surgery. I was busy painting a wall (twice), first I painted it green (same color as Reece's room) but something was wrong with how that looked, then I painted it a deep (not dark) blue. I love it! It works great on that wall. It really makes the fireplace wall pop.
I checked on my mom a couple of times, she was fine for the most part. The usual 'to much togetherness' with the parents. I grabbed some wood to make some workbenches for our basement. They took 2 days since my drill kept dying. I found other projects to work on while I waited.
I painted some frames that I had been wanting to do for some time now. Zeb had fun helping, but that lasted 10 minutes before he got some on his clothes and I sent him out of the basement.
I couldn't keep him away from the cordless drill. He just loved to help and he even yelled a few times at me! He wanted to do it! Shheeesh.
Yesterday we picked up our popcorn for the 'Great Popcorn Grab' and worked a shift at a spot for Octoberfest... Reece and his friend Jacob were so Awesome! The did their best to get attention to sell some. They were yelling 'Get you popcorn here! It only comes once a year, so get it now! Get it while it lasts! Help a scout, buy some popcorn!!'
They got some smiles but that was it. Bummer they tried.
We had a bike ride today from Medina to Hortonville. It was on a trail. Beautiful! I had no idea that it was even there! I don't know how long it goes but it was fun. We had some horses that passed us on the trail as well. Of course the best part was the dilly bars the kids got when we made it to Hortonville. But then we had to ride back, into the wind. I really didn't want to tell Reece how far we had to go because he likes to be dramatic and the sag wagon was at it's limit. He needed to burn some energy anyway. No major injuries, that is always good.
Well I have to get up at the crack of dawn... Night time for me!