He was so excited he had been jumping around all week anouncing it to anyone that would listen. He was so happy on Friday he got up with NO PROBLEM! If fact he was up before me! I waited til Duner got h

The first one he opened was Auntie Sara Guitar. As soon as he pulled it from the bag I had them in Duner says "Hey Reece, You got a guitar!' (Reece hadn't even opened it yet!) Yes it was a guitar. I had to hit Duner.

Next he open the Robosepian that we got him. It was pretty neat. I thought about not getting it. I was a little worried about it after I bought it I saw these Roboraptors flying off the shelves at Linens-n-Things. But they were half off so I can see why.

The final present of the morning was a Pokeman video for Gameboy. He liked that too. He wasn't able to play with the Robot since I had no batteries for it in advance. I will have to stock up prior to christmas to make sure I am ready that day.
After School, The boys called Grandma to bring batteries over so they could play with the toy. I told the boys to pick up the house a little since Reece was having a friend sleep over. His best bud, Jacob came over with a great gift card for Game Stop. I have seen the store but I think I have only been in there once or twice. Reece will love it! I have to wait til after St Nick comes, since they are getting some more PS2 games from him.

Grandma and Grandpa brought over Zebbie and the batteries, along with his Mega Blocks Jeff Gordon Nascar. He tried to put it together last night while Jacob and Brock played some games downstairs, but got frustrated when some pieces weren't working together. He gets so worked up when something doesn't go right. He sometimes needs to take 5 and come back later.
We had spaghetti for Supper and German chocolate cake for Dessert.
The desert didn't make it though the night. I knew it wouldn't. I saw the empty plate in the sink this am.
I think he had a Happy Birthday....
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