I had forgotten all about it till Saturday.
It was a beautiful day to fish. We got there early and watched a carp meander through the weeds on the shore as we loaded the worms on our hooks.
Reece scored the first fish (after complaining that he didn't want to go this am, since he doesn't get any fish). He also went on to get 7 more. Mostly bullhead, but some pan fish as well.
Brock caught 2 bull head. Zeb caught 1 fish, it was a bull head too. Once I had to walk back to the registration to get a new hook and bobber because a carp broke the line on Zeb's little Batman fishing pole. Just about 20 minutes after I came back with that new bobber it broke AGAIN!! That was when we stopped using that pole. Zeb was done anyway. It wasn't long til weather started getting to look like rain, so they stopped it early.
We all went to High Cliff Supper Club to eat and get our prizes. It's nice because they don't really keep record of who catches what. Its just a fun day for kids. No competition. We crammed into the supper club with 325 kids and their parents and/or extended families and friends. I was glad we got their early because some people ended up having to sit way back in a side room. Each table took their turns getting their hotdog, chips and soda/water. We made the kids only take one ho

Zeb's name was called first from out family. He didn't get a BIG prize, but he had a lot to choose from. Each child was able to get 2 prizes. They had over $8000 worth of prizes. 3 were complete camping kits, one was a charter fishing trip on Winnebago or Lake Michigan.
Zeb picked a water sword. (Really cool actually) and he got a $20 worth of Gander bucks.
Reece was second he picked a water gun that in 1 or 2 directions.
Brock was last. He didn't have much to choose from, but he also picked at water gun and a fishing pole.
Wow, where did the weekend go?
What a very busy weekend for us.
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