This is a friend of Reece's. His mom works at the local Y, I actually met her there before our kids met. They have a brook that runs through their yard and the boys LOVE to catch frogs, toads and minnows in it.
I don't know if anyone was home but I did see their van in the driveway tonight, so I think they were fine. We didn't know about it until the fire department was blocking off the road.
We took the dogs for a ride today in a local wildlife area. They were happy. We didn't stay there long, it was hot and open so we took them to a pond near our house. We had a empty Mountain Dew bottle and tossed that in the water and let them chase after it. They were fighting over the bottle as they came in each time. After the first few times they started swimming out into the pond even before Duner would throw the bottle. After that, we gave the a good wash job and put them in the kennel and never heard from them after that. They were beat!
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