Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can you tell how excited I was?

Maybe just a bit of excitement.

Crossing the finish line with Juls! I managed to get both her and Katie to 'run' in with me!! I was SUPER HAPPY!

Here you can see the time we finished. Technically minus 5 minutes or so, since our time didn't start till we crossed the start line. There was a lot of people...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Birthday Catch UP!

Last Wednesday was Zeb's 6th birthday!!

You know what that means... he is 6. My baby boy is 6. That is sad. This is the little boy that said, last year he didn't want to have any more birthdays. He wanted to stay 5 forever.

This year we kept it low key and asked him what he wanted to do... His answer?The place where a kid can be a kid of course...

It was a crazy week with the weigh in's, meetings, lessons, and life in general, so I missed picking him up a birthday present, so I took him Friday night to Wal-mart and let him pick what ever he wanted... within reason of course. He first picked out a Star Wars set that was over one hundred bucks. Um. NOT.

Then we took a walk down the action figure isle and almost instantly Zeb picked out this Star Wars Clone Trooper helmet with voice changer. He fell in love with it... I was amazed at how easy it was to pick up, so I ask him if he was sure. He said yes and we picked up a few more things on our way to the check outs.

I had to laugh. I can't tell you how many times I heard kids say "Look at What he has!"

He was absolutely beaming with delight.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fox Cities Half Marathon Losers!

This weekend was the final weekend for our Biggest Loser Challenge at work. We did our final weigh in at 5pm. It was interesting since every other weigh in was first thing in the am, so we didn't have to eat anything before it. This happy girl is our WINNER!
This was Tammy and her Husband, Tim. She has been VERY lucky, he has been an HUGE motivator in this competition. He filled in for one of our girls that wasn't able to make it at the last minute, so he was able to be in the race with us.
Check out her BEFORE photo... Unfortunately the T-shirt doesn't do her justice, she looks GREAT!

Me, Sharon, Angie and Katie are all trying to keep our bodies warm while we wait for the beginning of the race to start. It was in the low 50's this am.

This is my bud Juls from way back. I have known her since I was in Elementary School. I was lucky enough to have her join me in this challenge which really helped make it more fun.

Just before the race, Dr Al Came up to us and gave us one of his famous pep talks. His Wife was doing the full marathon. She qualified for Boston today. She did great!

The short wait for the long start. There was over 6,000 people registered for today's race. You can see the balloon arch way up in the distance. Sharon, Angie and Tammy are waiting patiently in front of us.

Katie and Julie are coming up to the first stop in the race. A lot of the water stations were themed. The first one was M*A*S*H themed, complete with a Dr and a guy in a dress and boa! Loved it! I had to us the porta potty and it took me so long to wait for people that I had to run about 4/10's of a mile to catch up to Julie and Katie that I told to keep walking and I would catch up.
I didn't take many pictures from miles 2 thru 8, but at Mile 9.5 we were cheered on by an adorable young man, and his dad. Juls stopped to get some love and then we continued on to the finish line.

The finishing line balloon arch. Tammy, her husband Tim and Toni wait patiently as Teri is making her way into finish the race. We were all waiting to cheer her on, she managed a high five for us! Woo Hoo!! Finished Strong, she did.

I was so proud of all of these girls, they all pushed themselves to finish in under 4.5 hours!! They really accepted the challenge and excelled at it! They were so proud themselves as you can see, we even received some very heavy medals. I was hoping they all would've been able to join us. We missed 2 of our Losers, but we still had a great turn out! It was a Perfect day, um, minus my sore toe.... about mile 8 it was getting sore. This is my pretty blood blister that I ended up with... But it was all worth it...because...

I got my flowers from the girls and my new finishers medal!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Notebook kid

Brock is my ADD child.
He was diagnosed early in elementary school with learning disability's and attention deficit disorder.
I heard once the reason kids with ADD fidget is because it is easier for them to focus. Brock shakes his legs a lot. Many times we will be sitting in our car at an intersection and his legs' movement rocks the car while we wait. He also has other habits.
He has to write himself notes. He says it is to remind him of things. But the only trouble is he has SO MANY that he forgets that he wrote things down or loses them. It is almost comical how he is with all these notes. He writes notes like...
Things to to monday.
wake up.
get dressed (really ?)
eat breakfast (um. no you can take a break on that today)
play on runescape (ok. do you really think you need to write this one down, B?)

Reece says "BROCK, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIME YOU WRITE 'WAKE REECE UP' YOU ALWAYS SEEM TO FORGET!" My kids love to get up insanely early... at 4am to play on the internet. BUT I block them til 5am at least, so they must sleep in. Reece likes to sleep more than Brock, but I just consider that a part of his 'disability'.

He has to speak to himself a loud. He obsesses a bit about things. Such as shots. He hates 'em. Borderline TERRIFIED. He is already worrying about his booster for Tetnus. yep. EIGHT more years.

At the last check up the MD said "It sounds like he needs a notebook to write things down." What a great idea.
So tonight, I finally dug out a notebook and said "Brock this is YOUR NOTE BOOK, FOR NOTES. Use it. Please."


Friday, September 05, 2008

I feel like I am such a slacker Mom, but it has been a busy week.

We were visited by our nephew, Gage, this week on Wednesday and Thursday.

Tuesday was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL here, and Zeb began a full day of school. He really likes it. I think he likes being able to play with friends his age, and loves riding the bus!
As most Mom's this week, I couldn't resist taking my pic with him... I had to!
We sat in the back of the Durango and waited for the bus to pull up in front of our house. He rides the 'monkey' bus, which is SO like him, at least that is what I told him.

Tonight was a nice night and I probably should have gotten a run in, but I was a slacker. I signed up for net flix and so I had a movie that I wanted to see and the kids wanted to play with their friends, so I got to quietly watch a movie. It was a nice night to a CRAZY BUSY week at work. (and home!)

Tonight, we picked out costumes for Reece and Zeb. Reece is going to be a brainwashed child. Zeb a ninja. (no surprise, since that is what Reece was last year.)
Brock is going to be himself with a glowing nail headband.

I have been a slacker, so tomorrow I will be riding my bike in to work at the Y. Hopefully it won't rain. I think I am going to rent out a locker at the Y so I no longer have to ride with my back pack anymore. I guess I haven't necessarily been a slacker, but between painting the basement, school, laundry and cleaning I haven't really sat down much but I still feel like a slacker.

Well, it is bed time already!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I just had to post something to let you know I am alive.

I have just been so busy...









watering... (my FOUR, yes FOUR PUMPKINS! OH YEAH!)


oh yeah, and sleeping, but man where is the time going?
Geez... now, sleepy time again.
: )
Good night!

and say a little prayer for the Mom and family of a guy I worked with at the Y last weekend. His name was Chris and he passed away in his sleep on Saturday night. I worked with him on Saturday (and about once or twice a month). He was 59 and a personal trainer at the Y. It was a shock for us. He was a great guy and is going to deeply missed by us at the Y and anyone that knew him I am sure. I am so sad to hear he is gone...

Thanks for all the pizza, Chris!