After a pretty long week Duner and I decided to take advantage of some pretty awesome temps for February. It was 60 degrees, overcast but still nice! We wore sweatshirts just in case...
Located just behind our church, (hence the pic of the cemetery, with gravestones in the 1850's) the area we headed to is hundreds of acres that were donated to the public for walking, small game, or bow hunting. Horse back riding is allowed, but no ATV's.

It is not like a public park. I don't think it is exactly 'maintained'. It doesn't have trash receptacles, benches or bathrooms. Just nature. Pretty cool. Some of the 'trail's had mini water-ways running thru them. At times we had to walk around an area to avoid some mud. We noticed a few used slugs. Reece took two and made a 'floater' so he could put it in a stream and try to race it down stream.

I don't think this house was the doctors home, but it is in serious disrepair. I was honestly surprised they didn't board it up tighter, to keep people out.

All the windows are broken and it has a well in the living room... right in the middle(!!), uncovered except for a piece of metal furniture halfway over it. Graffiti, um, I mean verbal artwork, is all over the place, a drop ceiling that is seriously dropped remains in spots. An old fridge is laying flat with a huge shot gun hole in the middle of the front door. The floor has given way in spots and walls have been the targets of various body parts.

Kitchen cabinets have taken there fair share of abuse over the years too. This one has multiple trama. ha.ha.

The back deck had even 'caved' over the years.

As luck would have it, on our way back, we began to get chased by thunder. I don't think I heard a single kid complain how tired his legs were on the way back... well, MAYBE, the fact that we began to get DRENCHED by rain about 10 minutes out from the car helped...
We got so wet, that our sweatshirts were still wet this morning when I finally put them in the laundry! (note to self: check the weather before nature walks)
At least it was a fairly warm rain!! Better than 30 degrees and SNOW!! LOL.