Yesterday while I was at work it rained. Lots. Our neighbors had quite the story with pictures when I got home from work. In this first picture you can see the far away view of our front yard. Note the mail box and fire hydrant. To the far left of the home is a retention pond.
This is the river that ran between the homes because our front yard got too much water in it. Our neighbor had water come in the house by his electical box! Yikes!
The normally empty retention pond by our house.
Dude, Wanna surf? Yep, that's our mail box! 'Catch a wave from a drive by!
Our neighbor said it only lasted 15 minutes and then it went away. Part of the problem is our storm drain has a cloth over it to prevent dirt from going in it since our neighborhood is still under construction.
1 comment:
Some rocks will be needed to slow down the water. You don't want the
water to wash away your precious
soil.Grandma Z
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