Wednesday, April 20, 2005

From the Basement Blogger..

I don't get much time to write these anymore. Since we had the floors refinished, we have our computer in the basement. Out of sight, out of mind definitely holds true. Zeb has now discovered how to open every door in the house. He know just how to unlock it first, too! I have no hope. Which is why I am doing this at this hour. He is watching Agent Cody Banks with the boys. They love that movie.
Zeb has a nice road rash above his right eye from falling out of the wagon that Reece was pulling him in. He loves a wagon ride. It's great. Every day (weather permiting) he, very persistantly, asks to go for a wagon ride. We have a train track that runs about 4 blocks from our house and he is forever amazed by trains. Any time he hears one he wants to go for a walk to watch it.
Zeb is not quite saying sentences or phrases,but boy when he sees a race car, train, or various others he definitely makes sure you know it. He has his dads NON STOP TALKING!
gotta go...

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