Brock and Reece have this thing going. They love to sit in the front seat. They are always yelling 'Shotgun' and running to the car. I learned recently that in the old days of the horse and buggy when people would travel they would sometimes have someone driving the stagecoach and somenone next to the driver with a shotgun armed and ready just in case someone would try to rob them with all the people to and from the 'Gold Rush'. That is why when someone goes 'shotgun' they basically want to ride next to the driver.
Well, Zeb has caught the idea with yelling shotgun. It's so cute. His brother can already be in the front seat and he'll yell 'SHOTGUN!' with his little 2 year old voice and run to the front door of the truck. Obviously we can't let him sit shotgun but its funny to watch him try!
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