Today I woke up to the sound of Reece putting away the dishes in the dishwasher. I did not ask him to do it. I still don't know what he wants. I tried to take a picture of that but the camera didn't work. The batteries are conviently low... hmmmm.
Anyway, he then said 'By the way MOM, I also cleaned up the living room and my bedroom." ????? What the heck does he want?
Brock is in the giving mood. He gave me a tooth he just lost this am. And he has 3 other LOSE teeth. He will have less teeth that his Dad soon! I told him if he is not careful he will choke on all the teeth that are loose in is mouth.
I have a feeling Reece is looking to make money with the 'Chores' thing this being spring break and Brocks philosphy is Tooth fairy money. They are becoming little workaholics, just like their Dad.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Wonderful Day for a Ride...
Today I met a pharmacutical rep from work at my house and together we went for a 10 mile bike ride. Her name is Tiffany and she will be riding in the High Cliff Triathlon. She just broke up for her boyfriend of 3 years and he was the reason she moved up here. I felt so bad for her. She moved up and doesn't know anyone in the area. Dr. Al talked her in to joining the Tri Club and that has helped her at least. She was from Chicago. Her Mom lives in Texas and Dad and step Mom live in Arizona. She really has quite the airline miles racked up. Poor girl, as soon as we got back to her car, she realized she locked her keys in it. We had to call a locksmith who came after 60 minutes and cost $40.00. But at least she got to see some of the movie Chicken Little and had a nice view of Zeb visiting the bathroom. Note to self: work on the door closing thing with Zeb.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Getting ready for a WAR
On Friday May 5th Brock will become a Union Solider for a Civil War Reenactment at School.
The kids must wear appropriate clothing. I will be making a trip to Goodwill soon to find a dark or navy jacket. I don't want an nice clothing since it is a WAR reenactment. He also needs a KEPIS, which was a hat worn by Union Soldiers. If anyone knows where I might find a CHEAP one of those let me know!
Also I will be on the lookout for a canteen. I know we used to have one a my parents house but I will be on the lookout. They want the kids to have an old womens purse to be used for cartridge boxes carried by soldiers for ammo. But I have a hard time believing the teachers are going to get the boys to strap on purses.
The kids must wear appropriate clothing. I will be making a trip to Goodwill soon to find a dark or navy jacket. I don't want an nice clothing since it is a WAR reenactment. He also needs a KEPIS, which was a hat worn by Union Soldiers. If anyone knows where I might find a CHEAP one of those let me know!
Also I will be on the lookout for a canteen. I know we used to have one a my parents house but I will be on the lookout. They want the kids to have an old womens purse to be used for cartridge boxes carried by soldiers for ammo. But I have a hard time believing the teachers are going to get the boys to strap on purses.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Confrence Time again...
I met with the kids teachers yesterday. They are both doing AWESOME! Reece's confrence was short and sweet. Great kid but needs a muzzle when it comes to his Best Bud , Jacob.
Brocks is a little more indepth. He has an IEP. (Idividualize Education Plan) and we need to get all the 'details' mapped out. Like how often he is to have CA assistance and Speech assistants, what kind of goals he should have, did he meet the goals set out at Fall? those kinds of things....
All in all he is doing very well. Much better than last year. He is more organized and pays more attention.
Brocks is a little more indepth. He has an IEP. (Idividualize Education Plan) and we need to get all the 'details' mapped out. Like how often he is to have CA assistance and Speech assistants, what kind of goals he should have, did he meet the goals set out at Fall? those kinds of things....
All in all he is doing very well. Much better than last year. He is more organized and pays more attention.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
No Brock you are not a Dummy...
I was finally able to get this picture to work. For some reason I wasn't able to do it when I wrote all of this stuff. This is Zeb in his new shirt.
My parents came over last night and gave Brock and instruction book for his guitar he got for Christmas. It is titled 'Guitar for Dummies'. As soon as he looked at it he said " For Dummies? You think I'm a dummy?". Of course, Grandma did not mean such a thing but kids can be so quick to make their own conclusions (especially entering the 'teens') and he was insistant that we think he is a dummy. Even this morning he said "Even Zeb thinks I am a dummy!" Part of him was joking but I think a small part of him is not. I just told him he is not a dummy.
We rented 2 movies Wallace and Gromit and Zathura. I didn't see much of the Wallace and Gromit since that was when my parents stopped by, but I did see Zathura. The kids LOVED it.
I thought it also was great!
We bought some gifts for the kids from Texas. Zeb got a t-shirt from Rainforest Cafe on the Riverwalk that he just LOVES. HE has worn that shirt 3 days this last week. Unfortunetly he does not like the 'coon skin cap we bought him as much. Reece also got a t-shirt from Rainforest but he was more interested in the rubberband guns we got for him and Brock. We did not get a t-shirt for Brock but we did get him some Texas size jelly beans, which he loved.

My parents came over last night and gave Brock and instruction book for his guitar he got for Christmas. It is titled 'Guitar for Dummies'. As soon as he looked at it he said " For Dummies? You think I'm a dummy?". Of course, Grandma did not mean such a thing but kids can be so quick to make their own conclusions (especially entering the 'teens') and he was insistant that we think he is a dummy. Even this morning he said "Even Zeb thinks I am a dummy!" Part of him was joking but I think a small part of him is not. I just told him he is not a dummy.
We rented 2 movies Wallace and Gromit and Zathura. I didn't see much of the Wallace and Gromit since that was when my parents stopped by, but I did see Zathura. The kids LOVED it.
I thought it also was great!
We bought some gifts for the kids from Texas. Zeb got a t-shirt from Rainforest Cafe on the Riverwalk that he just LOVES. HE has worn that shirt 3 days this last week. Unfortunetly he does not like the 'coon skin cap we bought him as much. Reece also got a t-shirt from Rainforest but he was more interested in the rubberband guns we got for him and Brock. We did not get a t-shirt for Brock but we did get him some Texas size jelly beans, which he loved.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
And now... the rest of the story....
Unfortunetly the weather was warm but not sunny in this picture. It did come out about a few hours after that, Of Course.
This was the entrance to the Texas State Aquarium. I haven't seen a adult flounder before that was the coolest thing. It has both of its eyes on the top of its body and it is flat to the ocean floor. I have seen flounder in the Movie "Nemo" but never the real thing.
We saw some really interesting jellyfish and some rehab birds that they can't let go back into the wild for one reason or another. You were able to touch stingrays and they had a dolphin show. At one point they had a diver in a tank to clean it and a little girl behind us said to her mom "Are they going to get Nemo, Mommy?". How cute is that!
This is "The Bay Bridge' that connects Corpus to Portland Texas. It als connects the USS Lexington and The Texas State Aquarium to Corpus.This picture was taken from the USS Lexington that was used by the military for 50 years before they retired it to Corpus. Duner was amazed at how many people used the dental office they said it was the busiest place on the ship. They saw 35 people per day.
Here is Duners chin and what we think were oil refineries that were frequently spotted in Corpus. Our hotel was next to a couple of them and lost power on Sunday Night. We were bummed since that is when Grey's Anatomy is on TV and we couldn't even watch it. Luckily the power came on 30mins later so we were able to see 30 minutes of it. This was also the warmest day of the trip. Don't let the picture fool you. It was over 80 and very muggy.

Monday Morning was
when we saw the Aquarium and Lexington. At noon we had meet with the guys for registration. I left Duner at the Alley and went back to the hotel to rest my blisters from the sandles I am not used to wearing. I figured I would go and see if I could find the Arbys that we could see the billboards for all over corpus. I found it in the shopping district along with Wal mart, Home Depot and JC Pennys.
That night all the guys signed up for next years tournament in Reno, NV. Duner will be going there by himself.
We then went to a food/bar place called Crawdaddy's. Believe it or not they actually did not have any crawdads. They ran out. I had Gumbo and cajun chicken. It was ok. everything had a fish taste to it. I like fish but not that much.
The best part of that night was the Karaoke. We have quiet the characters in our bowling group. We had about 5 of the group of 20 people that went up to sing. 3 were frequent back up dancers and 1 got over 5 bucks for taking his shirt off. My face hurt from laughing so hard.
But we had to leave by 11pm since Duner had to bowl at 7am the next day.
After the early am bowling 8 of us went golfing while some left for home and some others did their own versions of entertainment.
By 9pm we were back in San Antonio at the hotel, we wanted to check out the Riverwalk at night so we quickly scooted downtown and saw a horse drawn wagon pulling some people. It looked like they were giving rides. We didn't stay long, we did have a refreshment at Coyote Ugly's. I didn't dare order water since I saw the movie and I know what happens when you ask for water. I just had cranberry Juice. I know, call me original.
: }

We saw some really interesting jellyfish and some rehab birds that they can't let go back into the wild for one reason or another. You were able to touch stingrays and they had a dolphin show. At one point they had a diver in a tank to clean it and a little girl behind us said to her mom "Are they going to get Nemo, Mommy?". How cute is that!

Here is Duners chin and what we think were oil refineries that were frequently spotted in Corpus. Our hotel was next to a couple of them and lost power on Sunday Night. We were bummed since that is when Grey's Anatomy is on TV and we couldn't even watch it. Luckily the power came on 30mins later so we were able to see 30 minutes of it. This was also the warmest day of the trip. Don't let the picture fool you. It was over 80 and very muggy.

Monday Morning was

That night all the guys signed up for next years tournament in Reno, NV. Duner will be going there by himself.
We then went to a food/bar place called Crawdaddy's. Believe it or not they actually did not have any crawdads. They ran out. I had Gumbo and cajun chicken. It was ok. everything had a fish taste to it. I like fish but not that much.
The best part of that night was the Karaoke. We have quiet the characters in our bowling group. We had about 5 of the group of 20 people that went up to sing. 3 were frequent back up dancers and 1 got over 5 bucks for taking his shirt off. My face hurt from laughing so hard.
But we had to leave by 11pm since Duner had to bowl at 7am the next day.
After the early am bowling 8 of us went golfing while some left for home and some others did their own versions of entertainment.
By 9pm we were back in San Antonio at the hotel, we wanted to check out the Riverwalk at night so we quickly scooted downtown and saw a horse drawn wagon pulling some people. It looked like they were giving rides. We didn't stay long, we did have a refreshment at Coyote Ugly's. I didn't dare order water since I saw the movie and I know what happens when you ask for water. I just had cranberry Juice. I know, call me original.
: }
A town called Ziemendorf???? Maybe!
We returned yesterday from San Antonio,Texas. We had a very good time. We arrived at 8:40 pm on Saturday, checked in and proceded to the local wattering hole for some beverages and then went to bed. The next day we went to the Alamo (which is right in Downtown San Antonio) and the Riverwalk, which is right next to the Alamo. The Riverwalk is shops, hotels, resturants and bars that are built in to the banks of a river and there is a sidewalk that butts right up next to the river. We wondered how many people got drunk and walked into the water.
Anyway after that we headed to Corpus Christi for the bowling tournament that was the purpose of our trip. I noticed this sign when we stopped at a gas station for snacks on our way. My maiden name was Ziemendorf, I never thought it would make a city or town name but maybe there is hope! I feel sorry for the Texans that live in Elmendorf.
Well I will type more later but I have to get the kids ready for school.
The rest will have to wait.

Well I will type more later but I have to get the kids ready for school.
The rest will have to wait.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Google earth
My brother-in-law came over to visit on Monday with his very pregnant wife. She is due a day before I was with our oldest and her baby shower is the day before mine was for Brock.
I told her if she is not careful she might also have her baby at her shower like I did.
I doubt that. She is very sick of being pregnant and is worried at just how big the baby is. We lived with her and Cory when we were homeless and WOW did she get bigger since then! I think she does have something to worry about!
My brother-in-law Cory also showed us something on our computer. He went to GOOGLE EARTH and downloaded this program that allows you to look all over the globe at any continent or country you want to. You can zoom in to see the street names, hotels, airports and even crime areas.
We checked out our hotel and the airport we will be flying into in San Antonio. The kids really liked the Grand Canyon.
Well I gott get packing and finish laundry!
I told her if she is not careful she might also have her baby at her shower like I did.
I doubt that. She is very sick of being pregnant and is worried at just how big the baby is. We lived with her and Cory when we were homeless and WOW did she get bigger since then! I think she does have something to worry about!
My brother-in-law Cory also showed us something on our computer. He went to GOOGLE EARTH and downloaded this program that allows you to look all over the globe at any continent or country you want to. You can zoom in to see the street names, hotels, airports and even crime areas.
We checked out our hotel and the airport we will be flying into in San Antonio. The kids really liked the Grand Canyon.
Well I gott get packing and finish laundry!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
And the winner is...

We traded in out 91 Nissan Pathfinder for this Toyota. The best part is you can't hear the exhust through the floor in the back.
It is very clean (although that wont last) and has less miles on it.
Now Duner has a newer huntin' truck.
We used to tell the kids the 'white' one or 'black' one, now we have to say Mom's or Dads.
He. He. He.
It could be fun to mess with them a little bit.
We could just say the black one.
Monday, March 06, 2006
No second thoughts!
I am so glad we moved.
In today's Post Cresent a 17 yr old that lived 3 block away was arrested for armed robbery. He was also charged with endangering safety with use of a dangerous weapon, obstructing, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of marijuana.
I am SO GReatful!!!
In today's Post Cresent a 17 yr old that lived 3 block away was arrested for armed robbery. He was also charged with endangering safety with use of a dangerous weapon, obstructing, carrying a concealed weapon and possession of marijuana.
I am SO GReatful!!!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Movie Night.
The kids have declared friday nights at 8pm MOVIE NIGHTS.
This is great but finding a movie we will ALL watch is going to be the problem. We shall see how long this will last. Brock loves to watch scary or action movies. I like Drama or comedies and Reece likes anything except scary movies. Duner and I once took the 2 boys to the theater, we had to see 2 different movies. I don't remember what Reece and I saw but I know Duner and Brock went to a action thriller that ended after ours. I waited with Reece outside of the room that they were watching there movie in. Reece was so scared just standing outside of the room. I tried to get him to go in but that was NOT Happening!
Today Zeb told my mom that he wanted to stay with Grandpa while she picked up the boys. So, Grandma drove off. Zeb was pissed off. He saw her drive off and instantly changed his mind. Grandpa wanted no part of his crying and Zeb ran off to a back bedroom where he fell asleep.
When he woke up it was 3 hours later and he started crying to Grandma (who had already sent the boys home with Dad) that Zeb wanted to go get Brock and Reece. Apparently he was doing that for sometime before I got there because Grandma said that she was afraid she would have heard the 'Music" or crying all the way to my house. He just didn't believe her when she said that they were already picked up.
When I left Grandmas Zeb decided he wanted to stay with her so I am Zebless tonight. Whoooo Hoooo!
I am tired and looking forward to sleeping in at least til 7:30 am. Yeah! I love it when I don't work.
This is great but finding a movie we will ALL watch is going to be the problem. We shall see how long this will last. Brock loves to watch scary or action movies. I like Drama or comedies and Reece likes anything except scary movies. Duner and I once took the 2 boys to the theater, we had to see 2 different movies. I don't remember what Reece and I saw but I know Duner and Brock went to a action thriller that ended after ours. I waited with Reece outside of the room that they were watching there movie in. Reece was so scared just standing outside of the room. I tried to get him to go in but that was NOT Happening!
Today Zeb told my mom that he wanted to stay with Grandpa while she picked up the boys. So, Grandma drove off. Zeb was pissed off. He saw her drive off and instantly changed his mind. Grandpa wanted no part of his crying and Zeb ran off to a back bedroom where he fell asleep.
When he woke up it was 3 hours later and he started crying to Grandma (who had already sent the boys home with Dad) that Zeb wanted to go get Brock and Reece. Apparently he was doing that for sometime before I got there because Grandma said that she was afraid she would have heard the 'Music" or crying all the way to my house. He just didn't believe her when she said that they were already picked up.
When I left Grandmas Zeb decided he wanted to stay with her so I am Zebless tonight. Whoooo Hoooo!
I am tired and looking forward to sleeping in at least til 7:30 am. Yeah! I love it when I don't work.
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