On Saturday I painted my oldest son's room.
2 colors.
One is 'Evening Sky' it is a dark Navy blue to be the back drop for the Universe that I (or my sister can help too!) will be painting on it.
The second wall is called bleached demin. It looks more like a steely blue to me, but on that wall Brock wants 'Science wall with test tubes bubbling over and a microscope and stuff like that'.
Per his request, I am thinking of getting a poster of the periodic timetable of elements and other simple (and cheap) ideas to help decorate it.
That was 3 hrs of this rainy weekend that I used up. Then I spent probably the good part of an hour vacuuming up by dryer. It had been taking longer to dry our clothes and on our last electric bill the amount due was quite a bit more than we were expecting. We (thankfully) had turned off the furnace weeks ago and had left it off to save money, but the dryer seems to have made up for that.
I went out side to our new hand

y dandy dryer vent and opened it up to find it was PLUGGED completely with dryer lint! I am very curious what our vent looked like at the old house cause we Never cleaned it, (that I am aware of) and it had a funky exhust vent.
Well, needless to say, after cleaning the exhaust vent and the part under the lint trap it works in a fraction of the time.
Amazing what a little cleaning can do.
In the above picture, you notice a white thing sticking out of our house (or at least that is what it looks like). That is our new fence that we just put up. I was straight. Just before the ''Wind Advisory" we had last week. Actually it was even worse. Duner fixed it on Saturday from what it was.
Thanks to the salesman at the store we bought it from who said.... " You shouldn't need any cement."
Hmmmmm. Thanks