Thursday, June 29, 2006

Fun at Bay Beach

This is a picture of Brock, Reece and Jacob on the Tilt-a-whirl at Bay Beach. They had fun I think. I was amazed at just how much energy they still had when we left. They were more tame than before but still ready to go.
Zebbie was 1 inch to short to go on the bumper cars with me. He was bummed, but he didn't cry. He did manage to make it on the kiddie cars at least.
They also have a train that we managed to go on at least one time. Of course, the Tilt-a-whirl was a hands down favorite for the boys.
Bumper Cars was 2nd and the Scrambler was third. I went on the scrambler with Zeb, but I can only hand rides that go in circles so long before I want to get off. It was just a bit too long.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Busy Day

Yesterday I let Reece have a friend sleep over. Today I think I might take them somewhere fun, but cheap. I might go to Bay Beach. It is a nearby park that has mechanical rides that don't go away. They are always there. I know the prices have gone up since I was there, but I can't remember how much. I might also take them strawberry picking with me. I want to get them out of the basement and away from the TV. They have been playing video games or watching the movie Nanny Mc Phee. They really liked that movie. I think they have seen it 3 times since Monday, at least 2 for sure.
Time to make the doughnuts...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

EVENTful weekend

It all started with a Dark and Stormy Night.... well, sort of...
Let me back up a little bit. Saturday we went out to High Cliff to pick up our numbers and get familiar with the swim course and bike set up. It was beautiful. A little wind but the triathlon wasn't until today. We came back home and out comes a storm warning. While I got my bike ready and packed my things I quickly ran some errands before the rain came. And did it come.

I just love watche the clouds and they were definitely no disappointment. I watched until the rain started and then I went inside. As I started supper, a Tornado warning popped up on the TV. Apparently the area that the triathlon was to be at had a actual tornado seen by multiple people. It seems to happen alot out that way. I was begining to wonder if they will call it off if they had enough damage, but none was reported.
So 5am came and we got up to eat breakfast and get to the park for our body marking. Each person in the triathlon must get marked with their number on their lft arm and lft leg. My number was 721. My sister's was 583.
After visiting the bathroom, which had NO WAITING Line, opposite of the Men's bathroom situation. We visited with people and stretched and waited for our turn. My wave wasn't until 15. My sisters was 12. I had to wait until 7:30am to swim.
After the swim I ran up the hill to the bike part and threw on my shirt, socks, shoes and helmet. Off I was to the 'HILL". It was great to hear comments like 'Good Job 721' or 'looking good 721' apparently I looked worse than I felt. I was passed by a biker that took a wrong turn, so I got passed by her twice. I am quite sure she was in the 'Athena' group too. That is the nice way to say Big girls division.
One of the guys had a big shark fin that he wore with the addorable old lady swim cap with fake flowers on it. He passed me on the bike he had a neon wig. I think it was attached to his helmet. On one of the longest roads I saw my kids with my parents, they didn't realize it was me until I was just about past them. Brock was trying to get my picture and yelled 'Mom!' Like I was supposed to come back and pose.
After the sweet ride on road #4 (the wind was at my back) I didn't want to turn off, but it was almost time to run. While I was on Schaefer Rd, a guy on a 1980 Schwinn 18 speed flew past me. I heard him before I saw him. As he passed I told him I liked his music (meaning his chain was squeaky) He said "I thnk I need to oil it." Hmmmm. I didn't mind the noise. I am used to wearing an Ipod, and I missed it, his chain had a nice beat to it.
After dismounting the bike I changed to my ouch shoes. I bought new running shoes in May, they make my left foot go numb. I took off my helmet and threw my hair up quickly and walked to the 'run'. As I crossed the official mat they yelled 'run it out, come on!' I was a little bummed but that is what I needed. I kicked in my run/jog. I didn't feel my foot act up til I got the HILL. Yes, we had to go up the hill 2x to get to go down finally at the end. Just as I got to the hill Dr. Al saw me and came over and grabbed my hand for 75 ft or so he was willing to run up as much as I had to. I finally said I am going to walk now, he said 'Triathlon's arent won on the hill! If you have to walk that is ok'. Once at the top I started on the trail. It is not the flatest surface to run on but I did like the mulch path, it was nice on my painful foot. I just kept remembering what someone once told me 'Just keep one foot in front of the other'. I can't agree more... I just enjoyed it. Just as we were finishing the run the sun started to pop up and it was Perfect. I was truly amazed just how not tired I was! I am so excited. I will be doing this again in August and I really am looking forward to it.
Now, I know why my sister was so excited to do this.
Thanks, Sis!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Seat Belts, Kids

On Wednesday, our nephew was involved in a rollover accident with his baby sitter. He was flown to a ICU at a local hospital and we visited him on Wednesday night. He looked good, he had an eye that wasn't behaving, knocked out teeth, nasty abd bruising, and a brain stem inj. He was concious and breathing on his own. At the scene he was able to unlock his seatbelt and help the other child (10) get out of the car. They just thought he was acting strange so they thought he had a injury to his brain so they got him flown out of there. He is a strange little boy, so that very well could have just been him being normal. They said he knew his name, date of birth and even where his mom worked. They called her at work and she met them at the hospital. I really don't think our kids know the year they were born. They know the month and day, but the year just goes over their heads.
Brock really wanted to go see him on Wednesday but I thought he wouldn't be allowed in the ICU. We will probably go tonight to see him, I am certain he will be fine, thanks to the seatbelt he was wearing. He was also in a booster seat, he is a very short 8 yr old. Zeb (3) almost catches up to him. My kids HATED wearing their seatbelts now yesterday Brock had his on before I even asked.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Busy Boys

Yesterday I helped my sister-in-law at the her work at the Boys and Girls club. They had a Young ladies expo and she is in charge of finding volunteers to help with events and she recruited me. I helped by cutting chicken for salads, taking pictures and I was rewarded by getting my very own manicure. The girl that gave me my manicure was a bigger girl but had one heck of a personality. Her name is Sara and she is goiing to give me a makeover in July for a local TV station in our area that gives Monday moring makeovers. I told her she can do what ever color she wants. It should be interesting. I will try to get a before and after photos.
Last night we did the bike ride at high cliff. I made it up 80% of the hill before I stopped. I was afraid I was getting so tired I would fall off and with Zebbie on the back I didn't want to chance it. If I was by myself I would have done it , no problem. We did the exact same route as last time and Ice cream of course. While we were at the Ice cream place Zeb dropped his Ice Cream and had to get more. As we were loading the kids in the car, my Peanut Butter Shake was knocked out of my hand and I lost half my shake on the ground. I didn't need a refill. I took it as a sign and left. When we got home I quickly fertilized the new lawn, since it was suppose to rain overnight and when I got in Reece was sleeping in my bed, Zeb was sleeping on the couch and Brock was getting tired. He ended up on the couch also with the TV still on.
Gee a little fresh air and they crash
It was a great day to be Dad today. Yesterday I had taken the boys to make their very own cake for Dad. They were a hit. Duner liked them a lot. Zeb made a Cholcolate one (that had dip marks from him trying to eat on the way home from the store) Reece made a Yellow cake and Brock made a chocolate cake.
This picture is one of my favorite ones this year. I love the look on Brock and Reece's face. They are just happy, not goofy at all.

Friday, June 16, 2006

And the winner is...

Reece recieved 168 points this week. He did great! Brock did a big 18. He managed to keep the birds (outside) fed and open his shades in his room. *yes, I am practically GIVING these points away*
For a reward tonight Reece decided to get fireworks. We went to Wal mart and I bought him one of those $10 packs. I lit off 7 of them. I could not stand to be out side much more than that.I was eaten alive. I am still trying to itch and type at the same time. Needless to say this will be a short post. Maybe later...

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Book Worm

Reece is a reading machine. I got him a Captain Underpants book today from the Library and he already finished it! He didn't put it down! Today while Brock had Lego and Woodworking class Reece and Zeb never turned on the TV. This summer I told them they have 'Equal time Electronics' Which means however long they watch TV or play video games they need to do that same amount of time cleaning, reading or active play. I don't want them to sit around and become Lazy.
Reece is doing GREAT! Brock is the slacker. I am glad I have him in his classes to allow Reece time to get in to a routine so Brock won't poison him right away with laziness. As you can tell I am a little frustrated with Brocks Laziness. He likes to 'hide' stuff in his room when he cleans and he has gotten in to a habit of saying one thing when it is a total lie. I hope he meets a few good kids at school for him to latch on to. He used to have a good friend named Ben 3 yrs ago on Lawrence St, but they moved out to Sherwood. At least he will be in the school district. They did go to private school but maybe they will somehow end up in public school. Brock said that he likes the 'pick your path' type books. The ones that you chose the story line. I am going to see what I can find out about who writes these books and see if the library has them.
I better get looking. The library has a neat program in which they keep track of the books that are read and give you credit for reading them at your school.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Workout Weekend

I just came back tonight from a weekend in Verona. I was visiting my sister and doing a trial run of the triathlon in 2 wks. Already!
First things first I should go back to the flag day parade the boys were in.
Saturday was the Huge Appleton Flag Day Parade. Brock and Reece were able to walk in it for Boy Scouts. Reece was all embarassed because I had just sewn on his patches from the year that he had gotten to his shirt. I was guess on some of the since they give you so Many! He told a friend, "my mom just sewed these on but she doesn't know where they go." as he held his arms over them to hide them. His friends really didnt seem to mind at all.
While waiting for the parade to start an official came up to their group and asked if any of the boys would like to be the banner holders for the UW Marching band. They are a fun group from the University of Madison that know how to have fun. I thought it would be great! Others didn't. Brock liked it, But since no one else would Brock couldn't either.
After that I dropped the boys with Grandma and Grandpa and headed down to visit my sister in Mad City. We ate a very cool pizza place called Ian's Pizza.
We decided to see a movie but that wouldn't be on til 9:15 so we had some time to kill. Right now all around the capital and State St they have 'Cows on Parade'.
I really liked the Choc 'cow' late Milk cow. Now I can say chocolate milk really does come from Chocolate cows!
We also stopped at a cafe and I had a wonderful chocolate cheesecake and Sara had an Irish Cream cappacino with Biscotte. We went to the movie which suprised me by just how busy it was in the theater. We saw The Break Up. I was told it was very funny. I was a little disapointed by it. I thought it would have been funnier. I don't want to give anything away.

The next morning I woke up kind of early but went back to bed since it was 6:30 am and I really didn't have to stay awake. Sara woke up to feed Monty and went back to bed.
About 8:30 or so we started to get ready to go on our bike/run. Some friends of hers stopped by and joined us, we ate breakfast and finshed our ride and run. I set out about 2pm so I could make it home in time for Duner to leave for work.

Well I better get some house cleaning done.
Back to the grind...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Well, we are now being seen. We are on multiple gas stations in the area on top of various machines. Duner has had more than one person come up and say something to him. I just had a mom of Reece's friend tell me last night that she saw us at the local gas station in the area.
When Reece heard that he asked 'Where was I when they took that picture?" I told him he was at school and he said "everything happens when I am at school!" Bummer.
So Reece had a Birthday party to go to last night. I dropped him off after work. This friend will be moving in July to Charlotte, NC. His dad is a pilot and had a job transfer. The invitations were really cute! It was a passport and said something about a trip around the world without even leaving the backyard. The first destination was Italy for Pizza. It was cute! Last years invite was a boarding pass. I didn't get that until it was all done. Reece was bummed. He had put it in is backpack expecting me got get it but I didn't bother to look right away since school was done.
Anyway, While Reece was at Dylan's I took Brock and Zeb to a Movie...
Cars, The Movie.
It was cute. Zebbie Loved it. Brock Liked it. It was you typical Disney/Pixar movie. Cute. I am sure I will be seeing it over and over again soon. Duner wanted to see it too but he had made plans to go to the races with my dad. I know Reece will be bummed when he founds out we saw it already. The theater was not as busy as I though it would have been for the opening weekend. It had some humor that was hard to understand unless you know more about cars. I don't think all of the jokes were understood but the animation was adoralble. Someone really did a great job puttting emotions on the exterior of the cars.
Today the boys march in the Local Flag Day parade here with the Boy scouts. I think the route is about 3 miles. They are going to Grandma Z's after that but I hope they get most of their energy spent on the parade. I doubt it. Well I have to get going. I have to find nice shorts for Reece to wear in the parade and put on some patches (maybe).

Friday, June 09, 2006

I am beat

I know it has been a while since I wrote but I am beat. It has been another quick week, I just got back from taking Brock and Zeb to 'Cars, the movie". I will have to write more tomorrow.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Big Fishing Tournament

Today was a fishing tournament for the boys. Poor Duner was running on less than 2 hrs sleep. You wouldn't know it the way he fished with the boys (mainly Zebs pole) and helped Zeb with the prize line. Last year Brock was the first kid to be called and he could have won a brand new bike and he said no!!!!
This year, the poor boys didn't get a chance for a bike. Reece's name was called just before they drew for a bike. He was a little bummed, but still pretty happy he got a prize. As you can tell Zebbie wasn't waiting for Dad to bring us the toys to tell us about what he got. Even though he already had a fishing pole he picked out a new Tigger pole.

Here is Reece with his hands full of 'Water Blasters". He a set of 4 and got to pick one more extra toy which he also picked another water gun. He was ok, with no bike.
Brock was pretty happy with the rocket he picked out. Zeb tried it out and promptly shot himself in the head with it. (not hard, it is foam) Brock also picked out an extra toy which he also chose a water gun.
This was prior to the lunch and prizes. Brock is a extreme fisherman. Can you Tell? Hmmm.

This was the fish Zeb "caught" (aka... dad snagged and let Zebbie real it in). Prior to this picture Zeb was sitting on my lap just hangin' out. After he wanted to actually fish.
Duner received a nice sunburn on his neck and arms, and I on the right side of my body but the boys are FINE. I completely forgot the sunscreen. It just seems so early in the season, but I guess not.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Can't Go Wrong!

What could be more perfect than a beautiful sunset, nice bike ride through the woods and Ice cream in the end...??? Not a thing!
Tonight we put the bikes in the car and drove to High Cliff State Park. I was hoping to make it up with out walking but I got 10% of the way and Reece says "Mom, Stop and walk I can't make it."
I had my clunky old bike with our tagalong for Zebbie on the back of my bike and I was further up the hill then he was! Needless to say I stopped and promptly told him I don't need to stop just because he was. I was hoping to make it as far up as I could but I had to stop because he wanted me to. Shortly after he hops on his bike and rides 20 ft and waits for me, and rides 20 ft and waits... you see a pattern? I had to get off for him? There was no way I was going to hop back on the bike right on the hill. Zeb had it the easiest. He just rode right up.
We meander through the state park, riding fast to throw off the mosquitos. I have no idea how the campers are doing it. Those bugs were AWFUL! We stopped to check out some indian burial mounds on the property and they sucked at least one ounce while I was there!
It didn't take long for me to get back on the bike and take off. After 3.6 miles of trails we stopped at the 'tower". It is a looking tower that is 2 levels high. We got there ran up to the top to check out the view and ran down just as quick cause Zebbie had to use the little boys room.
I was so suprised, Reece was more tired than Brock. I wanted, more than once, to tell him to stop talking but I could hardly breathe myself! (thanks to allergies and some crappie cough I have)
I so want to get Brock to do a mini triathalon sometime.
I must say the park has an excellent room for a gathering... It has a GIANT fire place in the center and thick wood beams for the ceiling and roof, accented with rounded stones. It just stinks that if you would use it for a gathering everyone would have to pay to enter the park.
After the break we got to do the fun part of the ride and went back down hill. I got to 27 miles per hour but had to slow down per request of my passenger.
After putting the bikes back in the car we had ice cream from a local Ice cream shop that reminds me of our old DQ that we had when I was growing up. It was a tiny shop with small parking area, but they are quick and get you out fast! (Actually faster than DQ)
After pulling out all of the bikes together from the car since the peddle of some were stuck together we came inside and Zeb curled up on the couch and he was out fast! The older ones were still wide awake and ran in the basement, after all, it is almost summer break and they need to practice staying up late....

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Lego mania!!

Reece is in Lego Heaven... I got a box of Legos' from a co-worker of mine to day and Reece has been hard at work ever since. He can't even take a break for PIZZA!
Zebbie can't wait to join him. Brock just beat me a rousing game of Memory. How is it he can kick my butt at that but can't remember to pick up his room? or hang up his coat?