Today was a fishing tournament for the boys. Poor Duner was running on less than 2 hrs sleep. You wouldn't know it the way he fished with the boys (mainly Zebs pole) and helped Zeb with the prize line. Last year Brock was the first kid to be called and he could have won a brand new bike and he said no!!!!
This year, the poor boys didn't get a chance for a bike. Reece's name was called just before they drew for a bike. He was a little bummed, but still pretty happy he got a prize. As you can tell Zebbie wasn't waiting for Dad to bring us the toys to tell us about what he got. Even though he already had a fishing pole he picked out a new Tigger pole.

Here is Reece with his hands full of 'Water Blasters". He a set of 4 and got to pick one more extra toy which he also picked another water gun. He was ok, with no bike.

Brock was pretty happy with the rocket he picked out. Zeb tried it out and promptly shot himself in the head with it. (not hard, it is foam) Brock also picked out an extra toy which he also chose a water gun.

This was prior to the lunch and prizes. Brock is a extreme fisherman. Can you Tell? Hmmm.

This was the fish Zeb "caught" (aka... dad snagged and let Zebbie real it in). Prior to this picture Zeb was sitting on my lap just hangin' out. After he wanted to actually fish.
Duner received a nice sunburn on his neck and arms, and I on the right side of my body but the boys are FINE. I completely forgot the sunscreen. It just seems so early in the season, but I guess not.
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