Saturday, July 08, 2006

They Survived

The boys seem to have survived camp with only minor injuries... mainly Brock. He managed to slam his pinky finger between to rocks. It is still pretty purple considering it happened on Tuesday.
One of the first things he says to me is 'Mom, I have worn this shirt now for 5 days!'
Impressive isn't he? And the shorts? He was wearing the same shorts I droped him off with. He said he did wear one other pair while he was up there. Hmmmm.
Reece appeared wearing the same shirt I left him with on Sunday complet with the nametag. He had changed to jeans. He hadn't been wearing the same clothes, since Brock saw him in a purple shirt yesterday. As soon as Zeb saw him it kicked in high gear and ran to him. Reece was pretending to be hiding behind a tree. As soon as we got in the car the kids were hitting me up for Mc Donalds or Burger King. Later Reece said "Come on mom Just think of all those pennies in your purse just waiting to be spent." It was a new phrase, I am sure he was dying to use. He sent me a letter but I just got it today in the mail. They both loved it and want to do it again next year. Yeah! One more week with out them!!!
Zeb survived the 6 hr + ordeal. It was a 3 hr trip one way.
I think he is glad his brothers are home.

Now comes the unpacking... better get going.

1 comment:

Sara said...

5 days with one shirt. You must be very proud.