Twelve years ago today my husband and I were officially married. It was a Tuesday, we went down to the courthouse and got hitched. We had our first date almost one year earlier.
He met me through my high school sweetheart. His name was Paul. He worked with Duner. We went to a local casino a few months earlier. I had forgotten my drivers license and wasn't let in, since I had just turned 18. I told Paul and Duner I would wait in the car. ???? I was a nut.
Anyway, Duner drove us there and while I was waiting in his 1989 Chevy Beretta, I couldn't just sit there. So I had to take it for a spin. It was a Red GT. It was a 5 speed transmission. I had tried to drive Paul's 4 speed Ford Pinto MANY TIMES with minimal luck. I hated that car. I was a frequent passenger in it but I couldn't drive it for some reason.
All I did was move it from one parking space to another, but I thought it was really cool. Especially considering my car was a 1985 Plymouth Horizon, Mellow yellow. I don't remember if Duner said much about me moving the car but I remember him being surprised that I did.
By Winter 13 years ago, Paul and I were over. Within a month, I had a letter from Duner on my bed at my parents house. He wrote me almost a full page note asking if I wanted to go out. I thought Holy cow, I must have made some kind of impression on him for him to remember me from that one night. There may have been a company Christmas party as well, all I remember is Duner's sister buying me drinks and having me try different ones.
I called Duner and agreed to a first date. A lunch date, Early February 1994. I remembered Duner having a HUGE gap in his front teeth but for the first few months I tried to look past it. But is was hard.
When he mentions it now, Duner likes to tell me how beautiful I looked on our first date. It was a good hair day. I had just guilt ed my old boyfriend into paying for a perm. I had shoulder length hair and I was about 30 lbs lighter. I wore some jeans and a comfortable bulky sweater.
Being MR ROMANCE he took me to the car wash to have them clean and wash his car. I thought wow, how nice, he actually takes care of his stuff.
Then we went shopping and to Mc Donald's for lunch.
He offered to buy me brand new jeans. I thought, yeah, likes to spend money. I think we went to the casino too.
It's amazing how things change...
Now, he complains when I pay to wash the cars, buy new clothes or go to fast food.
I don't even notice the gap in his teeth.