Sunday, February 18, 2007

One sick kid.

Zebbie is sick. Cough, sneeze, drip. Yep. That is what he has. Reece had something earlier in the week (Sorry, Jen, if Jake got sick!) just after a friend spent the night last weekend. He had a on and off fever for Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday he was fine. Zeb started on Thursday with this stuff. I haven't taken his temp yet so I don't know how his fever was but he is still up and around at our house. His little eyes are dripping and puffy. He talks like he has a clothes pin on his nose. It's cute when he says 'My nose is dripping' meaning he needs a tissue.

On Thursday my Mom was going to take him for the day, but left him with Duner. I had gotten out some medicine for him to take at grandmas, to help with this problem. She gave it back to Duner and I hadn't seen it since.

Today I found it. In our freezer in the kitchen. I know it was cough and 'COLD' medicine but I don't think that is what they meant.

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