Friday I had the luxury of being Alone... Ah, to be by myself. To do what I want, when I want it. So what did I do?
Shovel in frigged temps for an hour and a half. What fun. Not really but it was nice to not have "Mom!" Shouted in my direction for an evening. I really wanted to make it to the gym.
(Ok, deep down I did)
I was SO COLD by the time I was done, that I just sat in my living room with my fireplace going and under a nice blanket and my laptop for warmth. I didn't warm up fully until the next day.
I didn't quiet make it to the gym that night, but I did get my entire driveway snow free.
So Saturday I woke up and braved the cold to head to the gym. 30 minutes on a treadmill and headed out to get the kiddies. They had spent the night with Grandma Z. Brock loved it, Reece not so much. Zebbie had seen them a lot this last week so he was ready to go when I got there.
Earlier this week on Monday, Duner was getting into the Camry when the door handle broke off. Hmmm. Must not like cold temps either. Duner was sick of putting so much gas into his hunting truck (aka- the Durango) So he was itching to get a new truck. I wanted to get rid of the Camry. Due to the $500+ it will take to fix the muffler, the broken window washer, broken CD player, broken center console, broken and leaky tail light... you get the picture.
I love the car, I love how cheap it was, but now it is beginning to nickel and dime us.
So, Duner says to me "Lets go check out cars tomorrow" (that was on Friday). Gee. He wants to do that on the coldest day of the year!? Why not.
After doing some research it was decided we are probably going to be looking for a Saturn VUE. The gas mileage for them is the same as our Camry, yet the ground clearance is better. We were looking for a 4x4, but as long as we have the Durango, we should be ok with only one 4x4. The most important thing is the gas savings.
We did find a few prospects but we don't really want to jump into anything right away.
Sunday we were invited to a neighbors house for the Packer Game. They had just finished their basement and the kids were really excited at the possibility of playing on the Wii game system they had gotten for Christmas. Duner had to work till 5pm and rushed home to quickly change, and leave to make it to their house in time for kick-off. They have done a great Job on the basement. Nothing that I can afford to copy any lifetime soon, but it was a fun place for the kids. I was doing great until about half-time when I suddenly came down with a MEGA sinus headache. I have never had migraines but I think it was close. I have heard of people 'tossing their cookies' due to them and that is what happened to me. Thankfully I was able to sneak away and go home. I was afraid to take anything for the pain, so I just came in, and crawled in bed with the heated blanket on waiting for it to go away. I was able to lay there for about an hour before I had to go back and pick up the kids and husband, but it sounds like they had fun. I just hope the lecture I gave them about manners paid off.
Now for some strange reason, It is 12:50 am and I can not sleep. But I was able to take some Advil liqui-gels and my sinus headache is gone and no more cookies in sight. Yay!
1 comment:
I get some wicked sinus headaches, and some are allergy related. Since you were in another person's house, it might related to something in their house. Of course, you could just be getting sick too. Tylenol Sinus is what I usually take, and it usually helps.
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