I got out 2 hrs early and headed home. Determined to make the best of our unexpected family time.

Since Duner had to work at 4, I quickly gathered the family and headed out to High Cliff with our fishing gear. We had just enough time to get our hooks wormed up and set, Reece even caught a fish while Duner was still there.
After he left we went on to lose about 6 worms in a row to the fish. In a matter of minutes, Seriously...They were hungry buggers that day!

Reece was a LIFE SAVER for me since he played the role of Dad, by taking off all the fish from the hooks. Thankfully we only had one bullhead. We both hate those! We managed to get it off ourselves by laying it on the ground and using a needle nose pliers to pry the hook from it's mouth.
After 3 hours I let the kids play in the park and we headed home.
On the way home we stopped at Wal-mart for some items Reece needed for an upcoming school project. While we were there we got the movie Goonies. I loved that movie when I was a kid and I just had to buy it. We quickly went home and popped it in.
Reece was going to try and watch while he worked on his project but it took so much of his attention he decided to just join us on the couch. Zeb even said " I love this movie!" as it was finishing up.
Considering how little he sits still I really liked to hear he and the other boys liked it. They especially liked the statue part and Sloth.
P.S... The kids had so much fun the begged us to go out on Sunday and fish again at high cliff!