Sunday, May 04, 2008

Saturday was Healthy Kids day at the YMCA. It was in the 40's and rain threatened all day long. At the Y we had a School Bus, Fire truck, ambulance, army hummer and a Construction crane. Kids were able to operate the crane and explore the various vehicles.
In addition to the gymnastics's center and swimming pool open, we had a bicycle rodeo, music station (which was an entire half of the gymnasium) used for drums of all kinds, 3 different inflatables, crafts and freebies.
Duner spent the weekend fishing and I had to work at the Y, so Grandma came in with the boys. Zeb was supposed to have T-ball, but the rain (sprinkles) canceled it at the last minute. Brock went swimming and after Zeb got his brand new shiny red and spider bike helmet, then he went to the inflatables.
The next time I saw him he was bright red, and dripping with sweat. He had a BLAST in the inflatables. I bet he was in those a half an hour.
After grocery shopping and picking up the kids, I did bit of housework and headed to bed.

Sunday we had the plumber come over to work on the basement bathroom. We also got the faucet for the shower and bar from him. Along with a sink that we are going to use for the bar. Our plumber works for Kohler so, it was all from Kohler. He brought the PEX piping and everything he would need. The kids loved him, he even made them hula-a-hoops out of PEX piping and 'swords' from pvc.
I am so happy with have Water and drain pipe for the new bathroom and bar! Now we have to finish electrical and insulation then we are set to drywall.
We are getting the drywall delivered on Tuesday, thankfully the are dropping into our basement, so we won't have to carry it down.

After our plumber was done and I got Reece to Soccer practice, I went over to the plumber's house to go for a run with his wife, Amy. She had gotten into running but then got out of it, but now, she is signing up for a half marathon in September. I work with her at the Y, and this is totally new for her. I told her if my friend, J, didn't want to walk the half with me (which I am so glad she is!) I would run the half with her. Thankfully I will be walking it, but I told her I would run with her until J has her baby girl at the end of June. I hope Amy continues on with her training, if anything at least to walk it. We ran 3 miles tonight, I liked the pace, but she was beat. I felt bad for her. Towards the end I just wanted to go faster so we could make home quickly for her. When we got to her house, her husband said "I have got to hand it to you, that is the first time I have seen Amy come back winded."

I hope she doesn't give up. It's not always easy.

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