Thursday, May 15, 2008

Funny things I heard this week.

"Only old people , Like LANCE ARMSTRONG, have low heart rates." as quoted by Reece.
"Are you sure you took it right?" Reece said to me after taking Duner's pulse for Reece's school project and find it was over 30 beats faster than mine.
"All the other kids parents were different than mine" Reece said about the results of that research was revealed that I was rare to have a lower heart rate than my husband.

After arguing with Brock, Reece asked me "Can a plant live without photosynthesis? I don't think it can but Brock does!". "Plants need carbon dioxide." "No they don't" and then the arguing began again... Those are REALLY large words that do not register well in my brain. Sorry kids.

"Argh! I really have to stop growing..." Brock said as he ran around on Monday morning frantically looking for pants to wear to school for that day. Apparently all of the ones in his drawers were too small.

"I was scheduled to work next week" Duner says to me after being LAID OFF from his employer for 5 weeks they finally decided they want him to work the VERY FIRST WEEK he is supposed to work at his NEW job!! OF COURSE!

"Why won't the garage door go up?" Duner says as we are pulling into the driveway on Mothers Day, only to realize that the power is out and we are unable to enter since my keys have the house key on it and they are on the kitchen counter. Thankfully after about 10 minutes it came back on. Our neighbors said it was off for over an hour. Just before noon! We live near a supper club. Can you imagine if they were also without power?? ON MOTHERS DAY? YIKES!


Anonymous said...

1)Heart rates depend on a variety of factors none of which is age. Stress levels, metabolisim, whether a person is at rest or moving around, and the amount of excercize a person gets can also play a large role in the efficiency of the heart. I would be willing to bet you excercize more than Duner, your heart will work more efficiently than Duner's due to your regular excercize routine. Thereby making your resting heart rate lower than Duners. Basically, your heart is stronger and does not need to pump faster because you have conditioned it to push more blood with each beat. Your Heart works "smarter not harder" as Scrooge McDuck would say! LOL
2) As for plants, a plant will live for a short while without light (photosynthisis) however as it obtains it's food from light it will die without light, basically you would be starving the plant without light. Plants breathe Carbon Dioxide, but it is not their food source. If what Brock said were true, It would be like if you stopped eating because you can breathe. And we all know that will not work.
Kudos to Reese for defending himself on this score.

I may not have gotten good grades in school but I did listen in Biology and science class. Now Math... Forget it, that is why I have a calculator!

Anonymous said...

Addendum to #1) I would also be willing to bet you get more excercize than anyone in the majority of the research group! Kudos to you also for having the will power to fit your training into your busy schedule!!!

Sara said...

This morning, my resting heart rate was 60 beats per minute. Yes, I'm old, but I exercise. The Red Cross takes heart rates before they take your blood for donation, and I'm usually 50-60 bpm.