1. My oldest wants to be a pharmacist and our middle child is thinking about being a doctor! Woo Hoo!
2. We now have a resident wood chuck that is going in for the Zucchini! I tell ya, it may be cute, but if he takes aim for our Pumpkins he is HISTORY! Our poor pumpkin plants are in recovery from the deer-fest!
3. My future 'physician' said to my future 'pharmacist' today... "Hey, it would basically be like it is now. I tell you what to do!"... ahhh brotherly love!
4. We s

5. I am told that there is 'camps' of homeless people in the area. This weekend we are going (the hubby and I ) are going to one of the local homeless camps to give out lunches.
6. Child number one's feet are now smaller than child number two. I believe that spells... T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
7. The hubby picked up a second job at DHL. He rotates his full time job between first and second shift, then works some overnight time at DHL. He only works part time but he gets benefits like insurance and vacation time! Crazy! I am not getting to excited about it, if he can't handle all the hours and wants to quit, I am ok with it.
8. Our future 'physician' had part of his toe nail removed last week. That was intense. They sprayed his toe with something that upon hitting the air became something like 40 below, giving him frostbite, then they inject the pain med in his toe. In more than one location. Then the podiatrist, JAMS a wedge down under the nail, to create a path for the scissors to cut both sided of the nail out. Ewww! It looked painful (!) but he did GREAT!
9. We are on pace to break a record here in the area. The most consecutive days of temps over 90 was 15 and we are on pace for 19. (depending on if the rain comes on Saturday as they predict) Thankfully about a week later they are predicting a nice cold front! Yahooo!
10. I have spent the past few days school shopping. Online only. I love not driving to a store and being able to compare sales with just a few clicks! There are so many websites that have 'free shipping' or 'discount' codes. My least favorite thing to shop for was the mens/ boys underwear. Really? Why on earth are some 3 pairs for 7 bucks but others are 3 pairs for $18??
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