Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Natural Bridge a.k.a Red River Gorge

This picture was a rare. Most of the trek to the bridge was uphill. Steep hills.
Along the way they had huts to stop and rest. Lots of people took advantage. I was determined to keep going and not rest until we reached the top!
We saw lots of these in the trees. Not sure what they are but they sure are pretty!

Kinda expect some creatures to crawl outta there, Eh?
Almost there!
Oh, wait, stairs... and more stairs.
You can see the arch in this picture.

Really? I thought we were almost there! *sigh*
What a great reminder of just how big your butt is...
And Breathe! (yes we had to get through there to get to the top!)
And MORE stairs!
*not us. Just some people I do not know. We did walk over to the ledge in the distance after.

Not recommended for the handicapped.
What descriptive names! Not sure what Lovers Leap and Needles Eye Stairway was, but Devil's gulch sure was scary!
Someone's artwork. Carving is against the rules, but was pretty neat.
Again. Don't know who the dude is, but he kinda puts the pic in perspective.
Devil's gluch. glup. Yep. That would be down.
One of my very favorite parts! Even had Raspberries along the path! (No, Mom we did not try them)

Love this pic!
And This!
More pics of Nada Tunnel (Click here for a video from you tube.. not my video) We did drive thru it. Traffic goes both ways, but drivers seemed to be nice and back up and wait if you were already in the tunnel.
This was a foot bridge that you had to cross before getting to the hill. Guys loved freaking out girls on the bridge. It was hard to walk straight on the thing!

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