This is the photo I used to see who my youngest son looks like on this website my sister told me about in her blog. It was really cool. It is funny.
It told us that he resembled Julia Roberts, Shirley Temple, Jodie Foster (younger verison), Sean Ashton, and Katie Holmes. I wonder if this maybe a sneak peak at her new baby.
I also did a picture of my dad, his was 57 % George Soros. I never heard of him by my dad might find him interesting. He grew up in Russia/Germany and did some hiding from the Nazis.
I ran a picture of Reece and it didn't come up the anything the first time but finally came up with shirley temple 68%, Katie Holmes (again), Madonna???, and Judy Garland.
When I ran Brock he it said Whitney Houston, Tupac Shakur, and Whoopi Goldberg.???
Just for more fun I thought I would run a pic of my husband who has been told he looks like Brett Farve and Woody Harleson, to see if this agreed... nope, they said Charles manson and Peter Gabriel. I had a hard time finding a picture with him that it liked. I tried to run a wedding photo with us and our parents in it; It said my mother-in-law resembles Ozzy Osbourne, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussin, among Others.. I just had to laugh and at the time I was talking on the phone with my husband and he had a good chuckle from that as well.
Hi there! I saw you found my facial recognition website post! Did you do yourself? The picture I did of both of us found similar results for both pictures...we must be sisters or something!
That was really fun, I didn't really have much luck with my pic's. (I don't have many, Usually I am the person behind the camera)
: )
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