Sunday, August 05, 2007

Busy Saturday...

Where do I start? Boy, what a crazy weekend!
I began it with a 3 mile run, not record breaking but I did it. I had been running on a treadmill the last 2 times so Saturday I wanted to see if it helped at all. Not yet.
We then went shopping for landscaping. We wanted to get more in our yard than the limited items we have now.
Large trees are NOT cheap. I have tried with 3 small trees, with no results. We visited 2 local plant nursery's and 2 local home improvement stores. I was hoping to get some year or season ending plants but they aren't quite on sale yet. We did get a birch that was kind of sad looking but it is larger than normal, so I am hoping we can nurse it back to health.

We then had to get ready for our neighborhood block party. Duner had to work but the rest of us still went. We met more neighbors that are building than we did of people that just moved in to the neighborhood. We met 3 neighbors that are building homes and 1 that just built behind us. They have twin girls that kept them very busy, so they didn't stay long.

They had a pig roast, which really grossed out many girls but not my family. Of course they were all checking it out. It was stuffed full of wieners and sauerkraut. Also, they had cob's and cob's of CORN. YUMMY! First it was soaking in a tub (of sugar water, I think) then they used a metal barrel cut in half the long way for a grill to grill the corn on. The kids were in heaven. Brock said he had over 10 ears of corn. I heard another kid had 18 ears! They had a blast. There was a water ballon fight and a pinata was a hit. Reece got bummed out because he was next in line to hit when it was busted. The candy seemed to ease his pain a bit.
Zeb had to use the bathroom, but asked if Their toilet took 'took long ones'. Meaning he had to go #2 but was afraid to plug up the toilet. After some reassuring he visited the restroom.

Duner stopped in from 8:30 to 9:20, then he had to work at his other job for 4hrs. I let the kids tell me when it was time to go, finally Zeb wanted to go home after midnight so we headed home and went to bed.

The next day I learned Duner stopped by after work and there were still people there. He stayed for a little while and then headed home, too.

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