Friday, August 24, 2007

Today was school shopping day with the boys. We began at a shoe store, found a buy one get on FREE event and got one pair for each. Then we headed to the Outlet Mall in Oshkosh to see what they had there.

Someone told me there was a pretty good deal on some shoes at a store down there, I didn't find any shoes, but I did manage to pick up a few shirts for Zeb and Reece.

We shopped at Oshkosh B'gosh, Some shoe store, Old Navy Outlet, The Children's place and Land's end outlet.

We also managed a stop at a few fun-for-Mom stores, like Ralph Lauren and Bath and body Works Outlet.

The kids Loved the Bath and Body store, it was completely hands on activity for them. They were allowed to smell and Try just about everything.

One of the items they tried was a smelling area for room fragrances line called Wallflowers. They fell in love with a fragrance called Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream, so we picked it up.

I talked Reece into putting it in his room, now the boys keep coming up from the basement looking for my Chocolate Candy Cane cookies... YUM! Not really the ice cream but still sounds good!

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