Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pre K shot day

I like to prepare my kids. I don't like to surprise them with getting shots. This time it was Z's turn.
He is entering preschool at the public school, so he needed to have immunizations. Four to be exact. Yes 4. That is his age. It is hard but not impossible to reason with someone that age. I hear all kinds of 4 yr olds SCREAM, when it comes to the shots. Brock was just about IMPOSSIBLE to reason with when it comes to shots.

Anyway, I warned Z the night before about him getting shots. I told him he would get some medicine so it would not hurt so much, before we even left for the doctor appointment. I worried about it some more, and I kept trying to reassure him he was going to have medicine to help with the pain. I told him it wasn't going to take the pain away, but it will hurt less. Again, I just really don't like to lie to my kids. I will joke around but lying is just not a good thing to do to them.

Z fell asleep next to me on the couch that night and when he woke up the next morning, the first thing he said was "I don't want any shots."


"Sorry honey, but you will be getting your shots" I replied. Bummer. Sleep didn't help anything.

So I gave the Tylenol before hand, brought his tough brother R with us for support, so he could tell him how he doesn't mind shots at all.
They brought in the shots. I asked for an extra nurse, just because Brock is such a wimp when it comes to shots. We laid him down and I tried to side track him, while the double teamed him. He whispered "OW, OW, OW" a few times but otherwise did GREAT! No screaming, wailing, or hitting from him!! I have seen teenagers do worse than him.

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