Saturday, November 03, 2007

Ahhhh... now that was nice.

After a couple of weeks with extra hours put in at work, I was really in need of some piece and quiet. Last night after work Reece comes up to me and tells me that he got yet ANOTHER late slip.

I was furious! On Thursday, the night before his late slip, I told him there would be NO TV, Computer or video games. He needed to find something constructive to do. I was just so sick of the extra noise.

And yet somehow he didn't get his homework done....

I had told the kids to throw a pizza in the oven for supper since I had to go to get some groceries. I was looking forward getting out of the house after that. I really didn't want to come home.


Then today Duner to the boys and the dogs to the cabin to scout out for the upcoming hunting season. I was left alone from 8am until 2pm today.
I was able to clean the bathrooms, organize my desk, put away Halloween Decor, vacuumed up the dog hair in the garage, drop a load off at the thrift store and worked out.

There was No TV. When I was by myself, it was so peaceful, no Lego's magically appearing. No noise. Until I put on my itunes. I had treated myself to Starbucks on Friday and they gave me a free song from itunes. It was a song by John Mayer called Dreaming with a Broken Heart.

Well, needless to say that is no longer the situation. I am now in the company of my kids, since Duner has now gone hunting. I guess we each have different ideas of bliss.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I'm so glad you were able to get some "me" time and Duner had some "them" time. You deserve it!