The realtor said it was the longest inspection for a house our size by far. He found things wrong with our house that should have been caught by our inspector when we bought the home! We need to put in a grounding rod for our circuit breaker, fix a outlet, and line the chimney. The buyers also wanted us to pay half for a new roof on the garage and fix the bearings in the furnance.
We purchased a home warranty that should cover the bearings. So we agreed to everything except that and they agreed to that. YEAH!!
We are going to view Cory's duplex in Oshkosh tonight and see how much room it has as soon as Duner gets out of work. We bought a chain link dog kennel and the guy we bought it from will deliever it wherever we want when we decide. Zeb was helping me put CD's from our entertainment center into a box today. It was taking a little longer since he would go one at a time, but he kept saying 'thank you' each time I took one from him. It was cute.
Today we went around our neighborhood picking up food for the hungry with boy scouts. The kids sat on the back tailgate while I drove them through the neighborhoods watching for bags of food on front porches. It was sprinkling a little bit, but the kids didn't mind too much. They loved checking out what people would drop in the bags and anouncing it to us in the car. A few times Reece would do it on the front of peoples porches. We stopped that.

Send me the website link okay?
I wish I could, but it is a secured website and you need a password.
I will show you it when we come to visit this month.
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