Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Auntie Sara would be proud.

Bonjour is Hello.
Salut is good bye.
And this is how you say My name is.... He just can't spell it yet.
That is what I heard Brock say to Reece.
He really likes his 'World language' class.

He went on to say 'I already know droit and gauche (right and left) in French!'

He only had 1 class so far. He has it every other day, since the new semester started this week.


Sara said...

Je m'appelle sa tante Sara, et je suis orgueilleux de Brock.

My name is Aunt Sara, and I am proud of Brock.

Sara said...

I was wrong....

the correct way to say "I am proud of Brock" is...

"je suis fier de Brock"

(jai swee fee-er de Brock)