Everywhere you turn these days people are hacking and just generally sick. Since, I work at a Doctor's office so I see it even more than most people and Christmas was a BAD time for everyone to get together.
It is one of the few times I see one of my sister's. This year she looked awful. She had a chest cold and looked like she struggled to breathe. My other sister had just recovered from that but lives almost 200 miles away, so I am pretty sure she had NOTHING to do with her getting sick.
After I asked my coworker how her Holiday went she said " You mean the vomiting and Diarreha?" Not so good. Another has a 'Sexy Voice' due to her cold and one of the Md's that I work with had been fighting to keep her voice this week. It is not helping that we had to over book her severely! We only have 2 Md's. Between them on Wednesday they saw 64 patients on Wednesday. She was unable to dictate or talk to her family at night in an effort to save her voice. Thursday morning she whispered to me, 'Absolutely no more patients today'. Just as we filled her schedule. That meant No double booking, and since our other Md's schedule was filled the day before we had to start turning people away. Which went unbelievably well.
It was a full moon on Wednesday and usually that means trouble. Just before 9am we had a fire alarm go off. Not a test. Apparently the coffee guy, cleaned our coffee maker and the chemicals he uses sometimes make the alarms go off, because they are so strong. Which is what happened. So we left the building, or at least stood in the exits and waited for the fire dept to shut off the alarm.
Thankfully they came within 10 minutes or so and we quickly tried to finish anything that we were doing when it went off. We had forwarded the phones during that time and so we had some people just come down since they could not talk to anyone. Apparently the fire trucks in front didn't disturb them at all. People very much amaze me sometimes.
And of course, each and every January we have to start copying all the ins cards all over again and changes to governmental insurance and you have the craziest Wednesday I have worked in a long time.
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