Friday, August 22, 2008

I am trying to get sleepy.

I have to get up early tomorrow because I am going for a 10 mile walk.

At 4:30 in the morning.


Not getting to sleepy.

So I will tell you about my day.

Today I took off the day from work so I could organize and get a grip on 'pre' school stuff. I managed a 5.45 mile run this am. It was overcast, but it was EXTREMELY HUMID. I would rather have sun and dry, at least you can randomly catch some shade. I am not sure how long it took me because my watch band was broke and so I didn't have it with me.
I came home woke up Duner, who worked nights last night and we headed to Appleton. Duner had to donate plasma, so the kids and I did some more shopping (for shoes) and got some tickets to the Great Outdoors festival at EAA in Oshkosh. Zeb cried all the way out of the store because he didn't want me to buy shoes that required him to tie his shoes. *sigh* Oh to have those issues.

We picked up some NAKED brand fruit smoothies while we were picking up the tickets. Naked drinks have one pound of fruit in each bottle.
My favorite is Strawberry Kiwi Kick. It is supposed to deliver energy. I could use it after my run that morning.
Reece also chose an energy booster, called Orange Mango Machine.
Zeb picked Blueberry Pomegranate. It was an antioxidant booster.
Brock picked one called Protein Zone. It had pineapple, coconut and banana. 30 GRAMS OF PROTEIN!! Now that is a ton of protein!

How did they rate?
Reece liked his... It was like Tang.
Zeb liked his... It was always by his side til it was gone. I didn't get a chance to try it.
Brock did not like his. At first he did, but it had a chalk like texture he couldn't get over. But that was ok, since Duner could use the extra protein since he donates plasma.

So What else did we do today?
Grabbed some food from Burger King and headed to the Outdoor festival. The kids road bikes, shot bows, road 4 wheelers, fished for catfish, tested canoes and kayaks (saw someone fall into the water), watched some dogs jump into water to retrieve things, and road the tram tractor... which Zeb loved.
Oh yeah and got some sunburn, just a bit. It was overcast and somewhat rainy, er, misty today. It was just enough to annoy you, but not enough to water my plants or trees. Then again, we weren't home, but I am pretty sure it was the same here.
Oh, and I tried this really good beer battered Tilapia recipe tonight! It is supposed to be good for you too! I found it at Real, Check it out! Real Age has this 'age calculator' that tells your 'real age' instead of your natural age. It says I am 18 months younger than I really am. Thats nice.
Time to sleep.

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