The owner was Joe Scallon. Very nice man asked the us if we wanted soda as soon as we walked in. He was using the school gym/cafeteria as his garage. He told us when he first bought he went through 700 dollars of fuel for heat at 50 degrees in 2 weeks. Needless to say he sectioned off a part only to heat and now has a forced air furnance. His bathroom is where the Principal's office. His kitchen was the school office. It was a work in progress but it was definitely getting there. Anyway, we looked at the 3 pups he had. One was black, one was yellow and one was brown. We even went to go see the dad of the pups at Joe's dads place. I was really hoping that the daddy dog would be small and then it would be easy to say no, but the daddy dog was HUGE! It was a slightly shorter version of our Mastiff that we had. As we drove back to the Joe's house we discussed the pups and Brock wanted the brown and Reece wanted the yellow and neither one would budge. Duner went there originally thinking he wanted a yellow, but when he saw the size of the brown one he was torn. He couldn't decide and I couldn't help him. Then Duner said, 'If the guy would give us a deal maybe we would get 2." ??? What? I thought about it. The owner already kept them in a kennel outside. So they really were already outside dogs. I thought if it is meant to be, it will happen. Who am I to fight it. Duner has wanted this for so long.
When we got there I let Duner do most of the talking. He asked him and the guy said "Sure."

The boys have decided to name the yellow Lab- Lighting and the brown one Thunder, since on our way home today we drove right in to the storm that his Oshkosh today. Duner wanted Storm instead of Thunder, but Brock really likes the name Thunder. Other options that were tossed out were Chocolate Chip, Chocolate & Vanilla, Rain, Brown dog, Yellow dog, Cloud, Luther, Elvis, Ben and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hmmmm.....

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