We finished the new countertop, it didn't go as bad as I thought it would. I am glad to have the giant box out of my living room. I missed my lack of a kitchen sink.
We also finished a few projects that we never did get around to. Like caulking some things, painting some things. Won't be writing much cause I need to going on cleaning since our home goes "live' on Saturday, next week. Yikes!
We now have an accepted offer in Holland on Wooden Shoe Circle. We are going to most likely be in our new home by February. Which means we will be trying desperately to SELL, SELL, SELL! I told the company that will build our home to take their time. But since we are doing a Turnkey mortgage, I doubt that will happen.
I am so glad we found this land. It is 2 acres with city water and sewer. It also has a pond and the street improvments are included. Which is rare in the valley here. We will live near a doctor I work with. We are going to also have an exposed basement. Which means we will be able to make a bedroom in the basement and it will be stubbed for a full bath too. That way when the kids get old enough they can each have there own room.
We I must go more work is calling.
Congratulations Rachel! I hope you are able to sell your house quickly!
Hey Rach: What happened to the post with the pictures? It was here yesterday, and now it is gone!
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