Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Ode to my little toe

We stopped by the office today so I could have Dr Schimke take a look at the lovely colors of my toe. In case you missed it in my last post, I was up north when I walked from the bathroom to the dining area and ran my toe into a bar stool. I heard a nice crack, similar to that of a peanut shell cracking but thought, boy if it broke it didn't hurt much. I was limping but I was able to get around well enough. After getting the dishes cleaned and put away I sat down and put my foot up.

As we ate lunch a little later I went to move my foot out of the way and wacked it right in to a kitchen chair that my dad was sitting in. OUCH!!! That did hurt, MUCH more. And when I stood up I felt something in side it shift. It did feel a little better after that but the pulsating started to kick in.

I managed to keep it up and iced and it seemed pretty good. Well, when Dr Schimke took a look at it, she said it was definitely broke. We did xrys just to make sure but they confirmed her diagnosis. When the doctor looked at them she said I not only broke it but I scheared it. It was broken all the way through. That must have been the 'shift' I felt after the second blow to the toe.

Thus my ode to my little toe.
Oh and we ran across this snake in the forest near the cabin this weekend. Check out this website!


Sara said...

Spam, spam, spam, spam. Spamedy, spam, spam, spam.

Don't you hate SPAM?

I feel for you. That second time when you hit it against Dad's chair had to hurt like the dickens. What do they do for a broken toe? Is there a splint or something? Which toe is it?


Duners2 said...

Yes I hate SPAM!
It is my little toe on my right foot. There is nothing they can do except a fun boot/shoe thing to keep your foot from bending.
I tried to get some sypmpathy from Duner but he just laughed and said "I have a hernia!".