I have been very busy lately with Zeb, here is a photo of his 'racetrack' he did this weekend with Nestle Quik chocolate milk mix. Addorable. If you look close enough you can even see his foot prints. He also made

some fancy artwork with a black permanant marker on a wooden railing. Magnificent. I just LOVE the sound he makes of the truck he pushes across my living room floor, over and over and over and over again. Get my point? I am ready for the next stage. This is getting old. He now cries when his brothers go off to school and he gets to stay here. Next year Pre school. The more I think about it, the more excited I get. I can't even Imagine what to do with my time, without pick up or fixing something he just "Zebbed". He has also discovered passing gas. He says "I tooted!" with such excitement everytime he does it. I don't know where all of this energy comes from!
Now everytime I sit down at the computer he comes over and says "that one!". He has only one game on my computer, but he LOVES it. But he doesn't understand how to exit the game, instead he just pushes the "off" button. I am working on that one.
Reece has lost both of his upper big front teeth. We were sitting in Church on sunday when he started looking for something and I said "what are you looking for?" he smiled at me and I knew. It didn't even bleed. It fell out while he was chewing gum and landed right in his pocket.
Yesterday when I took the puppies into the vet Reece's puppy lighting had recently lost both of his front teeth too, and my mom said he was just like his owner. The puppies are now 36 and 31 lbs. Of course Thunder is the bigger one.
Well, I must go he wants his computer time now.
I thought this was very cute. Although I'm sure you are pretty sick of this by now. I showed it to people at work and they laughed.
Happy Birthday to you, happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Zebbie, happy birthday to you!
How did you celebrate number 3? Any toys he especially wants/likes?
Auntie Sara wants to know!
He LOVEs Cars,trucks and trains.... Any of that he LOVES!
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