Friday, April 28, 2006


Today I stopped home to see how Zeb was faring while Duner was napping, He was watching his favorite channel and was telling me all about it.
I made some lunch for him while he asked me if I had to go back to work. I told him I did and set the food on the table. He told me to move it into the living room so he could really sit in front of the TV. I said no. That's when he said "Go to work Mom, Bye see you!"......Gee, why is that?

Later my husband called from work telling me that his Bug fears are still very real. Last year if he was getting bit by a mosquito he wouldn't swat it but he would run around and yell the entire time it was biting him.
Today Duner was driving him somewhere when Zeb noticed a Asian Beetle/Lady Bug on his knee and FREAKED out! Duner tried to tell him to swat him but it didn't work. I think the bug finally got sick of Zeb yelling and flew to the window, where Duner was able to roll down the window. Mean while Zeb was giving Duner the play by play of the bugs movements until it flew out the window.
He really is so harmless he can't even kill a bug.

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