All day Sunday I was trying to rehearse what I was to say to the Fox Tri Clubbers at the monthly meeting at the Y.
I didn't want to ramble on, but I wanted to get as many riders to come. Dr Al wanted me to make the anouncement to 50 fellow Tri Club members that were in attendance.
The Fox Cities Triathlon Club now has over 600 members. Obviously attendance is Not mandatory.
We had a couple that came from Tennessee (just moved here because of the weather), she works a a local nuclear power plant. Dr Al cracked "Don't get to close" as he presented them to us. They are triathlon coaches.
Just before they were to begin their spot, I was able to spit out my quick statement that I had been rehearsing in my mind. I asked experienced triathletes to join the ride to give the newbies some pearls of wisdom. I was probably the color of a turnip. I was never so glad to sit down.
Judging by the look on some of their faces I thought no one was going to show up.
But, by the end of the meeting I knew I was wrong. I had 3 people come up to me and tell me they were planning on being there! Yikes. I hope it rains, was my next thought. I wanted it to take place but I don't like being in charge of people.
So, All day Monday I was watching the weather (30% chance of Thundershowers) and waiting (and hoping) the clouds were going to open up and pour. No luck. Afraid I going to forget something I loaded up the bike, helmet and waterbottle in the truck. I made supper quickly, and headed off.
I pull in to the parking lot of my work, where we were to meet and not a single car in the parking lot. Panic settles in. Ok, what if nobody shows up?
Hmm. I hadn't thought of that. I will get out of my car with my bike and wait for the others. It didn't take long and along came Dr Al. Yay! And another and another.... pretty soon we had about 15 of us. Some came on their bikes already!
One girl forgot her helmet, two more forgot their water bottles and one person barely made it before we left but we found an extra helmet for that one girl, but the ones without water bottles were out of luck.
The wind was appx 10mph out of the south. We headed east for .5 mile and then headed south for 6 more miles. Yes. Into the wind.
I wanted to stay with the last rider but there were 2 others that were doing that so it didn't make sense for me to stay back with all of them. That girl was REALLY SLOW. I wanted to tell her to shift up so she wasn't peddling so hard, but she also needed to raise her seat a bit. I felt the other more experienced riders could help her better than I could. There was more riders just ahead I wanted to mingle with so I rode ahead and talked to a few of those riders. All of them were glad we did this ride. Whew. What a relief.
Thankfully the ride back was easier. We had the wind at our backs, and were able to talk. I talked to a girl from the High Clif Triathlon last year, and she had a mountain bike too! We compared our times from last year. She did it in about the same time. I was better on the run, but she was better on the swim.
I had many bikers tell me how greatful they were for this ride. One experienced one said she liked this one better than the Tuesday night rides and asked if we were going to continue them? I would love to but I would like someone else to be incharge of them. I don't do leadership well. I will do whatever you want me to, but I am not a take charge type person.
Next weeks forecast right now? Monday 30% chance of rain/ thundershowers, again.
It is a great event. I would love to have someone else keep it moving. I don't even have my new bike yet!