Friday, May 18, 2007

Feelin' the love...

The boys consider it great fun when I chase after then to give them a kiss. Sometimes they find a way to avoid it, sometimes they really make me work for it.

But Thursday morning was not their best day.

I was getting ready to go to work. The boys were getting ready for school. I had cornered the boys Reece and Zeb's room. Brock tried to lock the door but I had my hand on the knob and turned it so he couldn't lock it.

It didn't take much for me to force it open, since only Brock was holding it. Reece made a quick line to his hiding spot under the bed. I was next to Brock so he was my first victim. I easily pinned him and planted one on his cheek.

I then put my sights on Reece. He was under the bed still. I paused and thought what to do.

I didn't want to get on the floor because that was what he was waiting for me to do, so he could squeak out on the opposite side before I could get there.

So, I took the mattress and flipped it off the bed, so he couldnt escape on the other side.

"AAHHHHHHH!" he said. "Brock help me!" he panicked, but there was no where to go. He was trapped and the bars blocked his arms so he couldn't use his arms to block my kiss. I just reached in and planted one on him.

Afterwards I tossed the mattress back.

Later on that day, after school, Reece asked to play on the computer.
Usually I have them clean up something or do something to earn their time.

Before I could figure out what his would be Reece quickly touted "And I am not making my bed since your the one that messed it up."

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