Thursday, May 03, 2007


Brock was in Camp for school Monday to Wednesday this week. He and 3 buses worth of other 6th graders, gear, teachers and chaperones. We scrambled his belongings together on Sunday night. We had to quickly throw some jeans in the washing machine and have them dry and ready to go for the morning. I don't know why I bother, in reality I know he wont be using them.

He asked me to drive him to school. Actually said he CAN'T ride the bus with all his stuff. Ok. So I woke up early enough to slam the pants in the dryer so they would be finished in time for him to go. I was trying to figure out how I was going to send Reece off (on the bus), Run Brock to school and then bring Zeb to his speech class. All before 8:30am. Plus I normally give Zeb a bath on Monday AM's so I was hoping to squeeze that in somewhere too!

As luck would have it, Zeb's teacher had to cancel due to a sick child. Yay! One less thing I have to do. I had Brock load up the gear and left Zeb sleep (since Duner was home sleeping) and I was able to leave Reece hear as well. Double Yay!

We managed to find a parking spot and walked his gear to a side of the school where the others were setting their things. A boy named Jorge came up and made small talk with us as we walked. I never saw Brock walk so fast. When I told him that he said it was 'cause he was bored. He. He. I don't think so. He was embarassed. Rightfullly so. I wanted to make the most of it so I did what every Mom does when they are about to leave for a few days.

Gave Him a big hug, right in front of the kids.
Purest of Torture.
: )

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