It was kind of late, so they weren't going to be here long.
30 minutes later I was about to send them home when Reece came in asking if I could send them home, since he was bored.
Ok, I said. Tell them I said it is Time to go.
Just as Reece goes to tell them Brock comes in C-R-Y-I-N-G. Apparently one of the kids threw a ball at his head and kicked him in the groin.
"WHO!!?" I barked.
'Kyle" He muttered between whimpers.
K was a k

He S-L-O-W-L-Y wandered to the front of the house to get on his bike, where I confronted him.
"So what happened?" I said directed to K, with 3 of his friends by him...
"Um, I didn't think it would hurt him." he says. (??? I know he can be dense but he is not wooden)
"Brock already has a crack in his glasses, and you just threw a ball at his head. Do you know how expensive that is to replace?" Ok, I know, he really probably doesn't care, but geez!!! I was ready to rip.
I asked him if he apologized for doing it and asked him what was stopping him from apologizing to him now... eventually he said he was sorry, but I am sure he won't be coming around here anytime soon.
I am glad I was home.
I really doubt Duner would have done much about that. Now I am supposed to go to sleep. I have no idea how that is going to work...
You handled that much better than I would have...From the 'Um I did not think it would hurt him'
my first response would have been...
What kind of an ignoramous are you? For an adult that is what as known as assault and battery,and they can go to prison for that... If you ever touch him again I will make my life's ambition to get you put in Juvi' ! You little punk now get your ass off my property before I call your parents and tell them about your assault on my son...
(Like they would care)
As far as I am concerned, you handled it much better than I would have, but I am not known for holding my tongue once I have been greatly offended... Kudos to you for handling that like an adult...
Way to go.!!! I think I lean to what Jill Said. Bravo. You have to live in the neighborhood. Love Grandma Z
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