Out of frustration today I had the perfect motivation to get out and go for a quick 40 minute run.
Pace was great. Not quite 6 mph but I will take it. It felt good.
I was frustrated because my 5 year old is becoming a little brat.
Yet again we are having trouble picking up our toys. Specifically legos.
After 36 hours of trying various different forms of discipline that did not work (such as taking away his bike, paddling, grounding to his room till it was done, and finally threating to take away his birthday in September) I snapped and told him his birthday was OVER. It was canceled. Not happening.
Then I ran. It worked.
I came home to a half way (yes it was THAT BAD) picked up room!
As I came in my room to go to bed, Reece, feeling bad from my discipline of Zeb wrote me a note....
It said
"Mom, you should give Zeb a birthday party caue I heard you say no birthday party. From one of your kids, not Zeb of course."Hmmm.
That kid has a heart of gold, considering how many time Zeb has ruined his 'Lego creations'.
I can't wait til they each have there OWN bedroom!!

Only 2 months away till we finish the basement....2 more months.
(Maybe I should threaten to paint his room purple and pink with butterfly's, flowers and hearts!)
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