This am Auntie Sara took Zebbie and one of the Dogs for a walk while we left. I think I gave her all the info that I possibly could. There are so many things that you don’t think of normally because they are so routine.
We are currently flying from Chicago to San Fran. It has been about an hour now.
The boys would be happy on this flight. They played Happy Feet. They have already seen the movie but they liked it.
We got to the Appleton Airport and checked in. We had to remove one of Duners 3 bowling balls. Apparently that has been the rule for a long time but they haven’t enforced it. Our check in clerk told us after she left, “Anyone else but her, would have let it go.”
We ran into our my cousin’s husband who was dropping off his brother at the airport. I stood up with his brother in my cousin’s wedding. His brother is a left handed pitcher in a farm league for baseball. Basically he is good enough for a career, but not good enough for the major leagues. He is on contract with the Minnesota Twins, but on a farm team from Rodchester. He is a free agent next year. He just had a baby girl. He said he won’t be home till September. He is going to spring training in Florida. His wife is a school teacher in Greenville.
I had to surrender my carmex, lip gloss, and hand sanitizer in Appleton. I think the rules that they have are lame. I was able to keep it if I went to the gift shop to buy a a quart size Ziploc baggie to put them in.
I knew there was supposed to be no liquids but I didn’t realize carmex qualified as ‘liquied’.
We were able to pick our seats on the first flight but not on this one. We both are in the same row, but we didn’t get seats right next to each other. Both middle seats.
We had 10 minutes to wait before we boarded our flight from Appleton, so I was able to try out a laptop that I am using from my sister. She should me how to get online. It WORKED! I just was able to log on, but then we had to board the plane.
We sat in front of a old lady that kept complaining about things. People not saying Thank you or wishing them a good trip. One person didn’t even stop to say goodbye. It was funny to hear her say ‘Screw him”.
When we landed we were told our next gate wasn’t far. I would say she was wrong. We landed at about 10 after noon in Chicago, and it took us 20 minutes to get there from where we landed. We didn’t have the time to grab some decent food. We had to settle for sandwhiches (one each) and one drink that cost 21 bucks! I hate cold sandwhiches, but by the time we land it will be almost supper and I didn’t want to pig out just because I hadn’t eaten all day. I only had coffee for breakfast.
Update: After 4 hrs Not talking to either girl next to me on the flight we finally landed. At hour 4 the girl on the end got up to use the bathroom and I quickly took the opportunity to get off my BUTT! We got a rental car and headed to Half Moon Bay. It was a really nice drive in spots, large trees and beautiful Ocean! I miss Mexico! We ate at Round table pizza for supper at 8pm Wisconsin time, 6 pm CA time. It was pretty good. My sister used to work at one when she lived in California but I don't know if it is this one, but it was some good pizza.
Tomorrow we get up bright and early to drive 4 hrs to Reno Neveda. Yeah!
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