Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Yesterday, Last night and Today

Yesterday morning I was trying to get Zeb out of the door for school, he was busy trying to quickly put together a lego 'creation' as he said, but we were low on time so I started to count.
He quickly says "Mom, Don't say that! Say A,B,C,D,E,F,G..!"
I managed not to laugh but I thought that was so cute.

Last night He was not getting off the computer after I warned him it was time to get off. So I began to count again.
"Mom, 1,2,3 your outta here!" he scoffed at me.
I really, really tried hard not to laugh but that was so funny. It is in my room. It was almost bedtime. I won't be leaving my own room because he said so.

How can you not laugh at that!

Today while Dad tries to sleep Zeb was on the computer telling me all about it. I asked him to quiet down so Daddy can sleep and he said "It's already down" (meaning the volume on the computer)
I told him that wasn't what I meant.

"Oh, You mean my mouth?" he replied.
Yep. That would be the one.

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