While Shopping at Lake Tahoe we got sucked in to a Time share talk in order to get a free trip on the M.S. Dixie. It was your typical 'good guy, bad guy' sales pitch. You too for only $15,000.00 plus 600 dollars anually can vacation freely every year til you die with Trendwest Vacations!
Great, Let me just check my bank account. Hmmm. Nope not an extra 15,000 sitting around.
Oh Well.
Don't get me wrong, the place was nice. But I just paid off a vehicle, I don't need another bill right now.
" All you need is 10% down and you can do 90 days same as cash!"
No Thanks.
After many NO's and creative ways to get out of it, we got 40 bucks of 'Crusin' Cash and hopped on the MS Dixie. It was nice and interesting but I am glad I didn't pay for it. I didn't know lake Tahoe was over 1500 ft deep. Also it is 99% pure, rain/snow runoff water. It was beautiful blue, except when you enter Emerald Bay where it turns a bright Green color. (Hence the name.) There was also an island that has a Tea House (or the ruins of them) on the top. Some rich lady had it built to entertain her guests. Over a hundred years ago she paid 250,000 for the island and some land on shore to built her castle called Vikingsholm Castle.
We used the 40 dollars worth of crusin' cash to buy lunch and some souvenir mugs. The tour took about 3 hrs and we apparently sat next to someone famous, because a women came up to the lady and said 'Hi I am leslie, I saw your picture ....(I couldn't hear where without being obvious?) I wanted to introduce myself.' Then another lady came and took her picture. They left our area shortly after that. I didn't know her so it didn't matter to me.
We wanted to ride a gondola up a mountain, but by the time we got there they were closing. That will have to wait til next time, with the kids.
There were all kinds of people in ski boots, carrying snowboards or ski's everywhere.
They also have a skate rink that they open up and light at night, very postcard like. I didn't have my camera when we saw it the first time but I did get a shot during the day, but it lose's it's charm when it is covered with tarps.
We were able to take lots of pictures but I will have to load them later. We have to check out of our hotel in 2 hrs, then we will be homeless till we get home, tomorrow at 9am. We have an overnight flight from San Fran to Chicago.
Duner wants to watch the Badger basketball game somewhere, I would like to go down to fishermans wharf and Ghiradelli Square. There is a fifty's style diner there.
I am really looking forward to going home. The weather has been nice but it is always nice to return.
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