It is the best time to go since you don't have to wait so long for a movie. It gets dark close to 8pm right now.
We dropped down the second row of seats and laid out our blankets, The boys claimed their spots. Brock wanted the middle, Reece the driver side and I ended up with the passenger side.
We had some soda's from a gas station and got some popcorn from the theater. We were set!
We had someone from Security come and ask us if he could adjust our hatch since some people behind us couldn't see. Ok we said. I thought for sure they were going to ask for our soda's but We must have had them all put away.

Meet the Robinsons is about a boy named Lewis that is left at a orphange, who just happens to be a genius. He is a lot like Jimmy Neutron in some respects. His hair, and his personality.
It was cute, but I got tired and missed part of it, but the kids liked it.
Wild Hogs we had already seen before but Reece wanted to see it again. Brock just wanted to sleep, so Brock and I slept while Reece watched the movie. Before the movie was finished Reece decided he too wanted to sleep.
We quietly left the Drive-In with both in the back sleeping. It was a much more quiet ride home than there.
In fact, Reece slept out in our Garage last night. He must have really liked it because I heard him come in and use the bathroom and go back out there! (with his gameboy)
That is a different way to camp out.
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